80 YEARS OF THE EAST-UKRAINIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome address of Boris E. Paton to EUNU. | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gedrovich A.I. and Galtsov I.A.
Features of stresses and deformations developing in welded joints of corrosion-resistant 10Kh13G18D steel. | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Features of formation of stresses and deformations in welding corrosion-resistant steel of 10Kh13G18D grade are described. Kinetics of phase-structural transformations in the process of welding and in the post-welding period is given. Most typical
structurally-stressed zones of the metal welded are distinguished.
Statyvka Yu.I. and Shevchenko V.A.
| Theoretical estimation of effect of electron beam parameters on the formation of root defects in EBW.
6 |
The effect of electron beam geometric parameters on non-uniformity of penetration depth in case of welding at
external disturbance and without it is considered. Theoretical results have a good correlation with experimental data.
Gedrovich A.I. and Zhidkov A.B.
| Forecasting residual deformations in welding with forced cooling.
9 |
Approach is described for determination of sizes of active zone and residual deformations and also their maximum possible
reduction in welding with cooling of different types of welded joints.
Kharlamov Yu.A.
| Barrels of units for detonation spraying of coatings.
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The paper deals with the advantages of technological application of detonation modes of gas mixture combustion, chiefly for
thermal spraying of coatings, as well as various design features of combustion chambers of the coating units. Feasibility of
developing the processes of spraying of coatings, using cylindrical detonation waves, and also using continuous gas detonation, is noted.
Dzyuba V.L. and Korsunov K.A.
| Calculation of plasmatrons with a high-current cathode for heating dispersed particles.
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Engineering method for calculation of electric, thermal and service characteristics of electric-arc plasmatrons with a
high-performance high-current cathode for heating of dispersed particles is presented.
Kharlamov Yu.A., Budagiants N.A., Shevchenko A.V. and Yuditsky S.A.
| Powders for thermal spraying made from wastes of mill roll production.
20 |
The prospects of use of wastes after machining of mill rolls for commercial manufacture of inexpensive powders for thermal
spraying are shown. Peculiarities of the effect of plasma spraying on adhesion strength of coatings have been investigated.
It is shown that plasma coatings produced from mixtures of cast iron powders and self-fluxing nickel alloys possess high tribological properties.
Chernomorov M.I.
| Semi-automatic device for welding tubes to tube sheets for small-size heat exchangers.
26 |
To produce quality permanent joints of the tube-to-tube sheet type, a portable device has been developed, which makes it
possible to perform gas-shielded welding of 3-5 mm diameter tubes with a preset penetration depth.
Tararychkin I.A.
| Statistic regulation of welding technological processes using the method of construction of charts of condition control.
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Method of construction of control charts of the condition of the technological process without use of graphs is suggested.
Algorithm of estimation is simplified by using a complex criterion. The method capabilities are described on the example of the narrow-gap arc welding of a butt joint.
Mikhoduj L.I., Smiyan O.D., Movchan M.B., Poznyakov V.D. and Antonov S.O.
| Chemical microheterogeneity at the grain boundaries of HAZ metal of martensitic-bainitic steel 14KhGN2MDAFB.
32 |
The process of a delayed fracture of HAZ in implant samples made from steel 14KhGN2MDAFB at the pre-fracture stage was examined
using the method of electron Auger-spectrometry. It was established that during the delayed fracture of the welded joints
the HAZ metal is subjected to redistribution of alloying and impurity elements inside the grains, enrichment of their
boundaries by a number of embrittling impurity atoms that is an additional (except hydrogen) factor, predetermining the metal fracture at this type of tests.
Korinets I.F. and Ji Cheng Chun.
| Deterministic-statistical model of weld shape in arc welding.
39 |
The paper gives theoretical substantiation of the rationality of construction of deterministic-statistical models in the form of a
product of exponential functions. The adequacy of the constructed mathematical models, combining the advantages of deterministic (representation of physical processes and versatility) and statistical (simplicity and high accuracy) models, was checked
for the case of CO2 arc welding. Model applications are described.
Kosovich V.A., Lapin I.E., Potapov A.N., Savinov A.V. and Lysak V.I.
| Static and dynamic volt-ampere characteristics of tungsten-aluminium arc of square alternating current.
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Dependence of the arc gap voltage in pulses of current at straight (SP) and reverse polarity (RP) and also effective values
of voltage on current and duration of current pulses at reverse polarity is considered. The decrease in voltage in pulses of
current at straight polarity down to anomalously low values at increase in duration of current pulses at reverse polarity is outlined.
Krivtsun I.V.
| Peculiarities of operation of hot tubular cathode heated by laser radiation.
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Model of cathode processes for a hot tubular cathode of the laser-arc plasmatron, which takes into account additional heating of the working surface of the cathode by a passing laser beam, is suggested. Detailed computer modelling of cathode processes for
the cathode under consideration was made. It is shown that additional laser heating can provide an efficient control of the cathode processes and, therefore, characteristics of plasma in the near-cathode region. The results obtained were used as the basis to design the cathode assembly for the laser-arc plasmatron intended for powder cladding. Experimental investigations of the plasmatron demonstrated a high operational stability and strength of the developed tubular cathode.
Korotynsky A.E.
| Improvement of arcing stability in the two-loop resonance devices.
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A resonance welding source, made as a two-loop circuit, is described. It is shown that a high stability of the welding arc
is achieved by using a high-voltage complementary loop of not more than 400 W power. An example of the complementary loop calculation is given, as well as the results of testing the unit with different types of stick electrodes.
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Journal/Currency | Annual Set | 1 issue printed |
1 issue |
one article |
TPWJ/USD | 384 $ | 32 $ | 26 $ | 13 $ |
TPWJ/EUR | 348 € | 29 € | 24 € | 12 € |
TPWJ/UAH | 7200 UAH | 600 UAH | 600 UAH | 280 UAH |
AS/UAH | 1800 UAH | 300 UAH | 300 UAH | 150 UAH |
AS/USD | 192 $ | 32 $ | 26 $ | 13 $ |
AS/EUR | 180 € | 30 € | 25 € | 12 € |
SEM/UAH | 1200 UAH | 300 UAH | 300 UAH | 150 UAH |
SEM/USD | 128 $ | 32 $ | 26 $ | 13 $ |
SEM/EUR | 120 € | 30 € | 25 € | 12 € |
TDNK/UAH | 1200 UAH | 300 UAH | 300 UAH | 150 UAH |
TDNK/USD | 128 $ | 32 $ | 26 $ | 13 $ |
TDNK/EUR | 120 € | 30 € | 25 € | 15 € |