The Paton Welding Journal 2006 #03

Gorynin I.V., Karzov G.P., Timofeev B.T. andGalyatkin S.N. Improvement of welding consumables and technologies for increased safety and life of NPS with WWER reactors 2
Results of the gained experience on improvement of steels and welding consumables used in fabrication of WWER reactors for nuclear power stations are presented. Special attention is given to the problems of radiation and thermal embrittlement of the joints, influencing the safety of reactors at long-term operation.
Kuchuk-Yatsenko S.I., Pismenny A.S., Shinlov M.E., Kazymov B.I. and Zagadarchuk V.F. Accelerated induction heat treatment of welds on pipes from controlled-rolled steels 7
Process of heat treatment (HT) at a comparatively short-term intensive action of the electromagnetic field on the welds made by flash-butt welding was studied. HT modes and mechanical properties of the treated and control welds are considered. It is established that application of accelerated intensive induction HT, envisaging a short-term increase in weld temperature above point, leads to an increase in the index of weld impact toughness, narrowing of the heating zone, as well as saving of the energy consumed in HT. At weld HT duration of 90 to 180 s for steels of X65 and X80 grades, values of weld metal impact toughness are increased up to the required level, while the weld metal strength decreases by not more than 3.6 and 7.0 %, respectively. Accelerated induction HT can be used for improvement of impact toughness of weld metal in joints of large diameter pipes.
Ohji T., Miyasaka F., Yamamoto T. and Tsuji Y. Mathematical model for MAG welding in a manufacturing environment 11
A feasibility study has been conducted to determine if mathematical models can be used for the numerical simulation of MAG welding in a manufacturing environment. In the present work, a 3D non-stationary thermal model for the welding is developed. The transient temperature distribution on the base metal is numerically analyzed to estimate the molten pool size by using a finite difference model based on the heat flow equation, and the theoretical configuration of molten pool is calculated, taking into account of the balance of gravity, surface tension and arc pressure. The developed model has been applied to the simulation of various welding processes, such as multi-pass welding, and fillet and butt welding with torch weaving. As the result, it is made clear that the model is shown to be capable of predicting the MAG welding and its weld profile in the manufacturing environment.
Palani P.K. and Murugan N. Sensitivity of d-ferrite formation to FCAW process parameters in stainless steel claddings 16
The quality of clad components depends on the quantity of residual d-ferrite formed during cladding, which in turn is controlled by the process parameters. The objective of controlling ferrite formed during cladding can easily be achieved by developing equations to predict ferrite number in terms of the process parameters, such as welding current, welding speed and nozzle-to-plate distance. Sensitivity analysis was performed for identifying the process parameters, which exert the most influence on the d-ferrite formation and to know the parameters, which must be most carefully controlled. Studies reveal that change of nozzle-to-plate distance affects the formation of ferrite more strongly than the other process parameters.
Palamarchuk B.I., Pashchin N.A., Malakhov A.T., Cherkashin A.V., Manchenko A.N. and Chajka A.A. Modelling of the shock wave process in local pulsed treatment of plane samples using ring charges 22
Considered are the peculiarities of arresting the propagation of a fatigue crack through forming the field of compressive stresses and plastic strains in the vicinity of the crack using a pulsed explosive impact, involving focusing of energy in the crack location zone. The NeumannДRichtmyer method of end-to-end counting using artificial viscosity was employed to model shock waves in explosive loading of materials. Modelling of the shock wave (SW) process allows prediction of parameters of the pulsed impact on materials, which makes it easier to evaluate the effect on them by the density of explosive materials, explosion energy and damping interlayers. For complex schemes of pulsed loading of materials, the SW effect parameters can be directly measured using the developed electret pressure sensors.
Mazur A.A. The E.O. Paton Electric Welding InstituteTechnological Park is 5 years 27
World experience of innovative activity of technoparks is considered. State support measures, as well as priority areas, goals, objectives, and results of activity of the «E. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute&raqou; Technological Park in the period of 2000Д2004 are described.
Pavlyuk S.P., Kutlin G.N., Kislitsyn V.M. and Musin A.G. Flame soldering for joining microelements to printed circuit boards 30
Described is a new process for joining microcircuit leads to tracks on printed circuit boards. The soldering method is suggested, allowing increase in element packaging density and elimination of operator's mistakes. Results of comparative tensile tests of the joints heated by a hydrogen-oxygen mixture flame and hot gas are given.
Savitsky A.M., Vashchenko V.N. and Bobrov I.V. Features of welding products with protective enamel coatings 32
Considered are the main problems arising in arc welding of parts with a protective enamel coating on their inside surface. It is shown that enamel can resist the short-time (up to 3Д5 s) high-temperature effect right up to the melting temperatures of steel. This short-time soaking of metal of a welded joint at the above temperatures can be provided by pulsed-arc welding.
Yukhimets P.S., Kobelsky S.V., Kravchenko V.I., Klimenko I.A. and Lesovets V.P. Extension of service life of a pipeline with defects on the inner surface 35
The stressed state of a pipeline with volume defects on the inner surface of a pipe was analyzed in terms of different variants of repair operations aimed at extension of remaining life of the pipeline. It is shown that the use of two bands located symmetrically relative to a defect at a distance of the double defect length allows a substantial decrease in stress concentration factor and increase in the remaining life of the pipeline, with the possibility of post-repair monitoring of the defective region.
Tsybulkin G.A. Algorithm of automatic orientation of manipulation robot relative to tested surfaces 38
Suggested is the algorithm for ensuring orientation of the manipulation robot normal to the test surface under the conditions of ambiguity of its position in the robot work space. The algorithm was synthesized as a result of solution of the problem of minimizing the functionals that characterize the current distance from some virtual plane to the test surface at movement of the robot along the set paths.
Zhuk G.V., Lukianets B.M. and Mazur S.V. New machine for studding of heating surfaces 41
New machine for realisation of the process of welding of studs to steam boiler water walls is described. Technical characteristics of the machine are given, and the efficiency of its application in manufacture and repair of boilers at heat power stations is shown.
Cherny O.M. Influence of Ramsauer effect on the parameters of cathode region of argon arc with nonconsumable electrode 43
It is shown that the length of electron free path and number of collisions of electrons with atoms in the cathode region of the arc are determined by the Ramsauer effect.
Simferopol Electric Machine-Building Plant SELMA mastered production of low voltage universal welding converters KSU-320 44
Thesis for scientific degree 47
Patents in the field of welding production 48
Developed at PWI 37

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