The Paton Welding Journal 2007 #02

Lobanov L.M., Pashchin N.A., Loginov V.P., Taranova T.G., Kostin V.A. and Chajka A.A. Influence of electrodynamic treatment on the features of fracture micromechanism of welded joints on aluminuim alloy AMg6 2
On the basis of fractographic analysis the peculiarities of the mechanisms of stressed state relaxation and microfracture of base metal samples and welded joints of AMg6 alloy were studied under the conditions of electrodynamic treatment (EDT) of the material by current pulses. It was determined that at EDT of butt welded joint HAZ the amount of the ductile fracture component increases. At the same time, a non-conservative plastic slip deformation is observed in the treated material that results in strain hardening of AMg6 alloy butt welded joint structure by 35–40 % compared with untreated material.
Ishchenko A.Ya., Fedorchuk V.E., Poklyatsky A.G. and Yavorskaya M.R. Hot cracking resistance of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu system alloys in argon-arc welding 7
Resistance of high-strength alloys of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu system to high-temperature cracking in argon-arc welding was studied, depending on the total amount and ratio of the base alloying elements (zinc, magnesium, copper) in them, and also on the presence of scandium additives in the base and filler materials. It is shown that increase of the total amount of base alloying elements in the alloys and addition of 0.3 % Sc to the weld metal allow considerably increasing the hot cracking resistance of welded joints.
Labur T.M., Taranova T.G., Kostin V.A., Ishchenko A.Ya., Grigorenko G.M. and Chajka A.A. Nature of fracture of B96 alloy depending on heating conditions in welding 9
Fracture surface relief peculiarities of samples cut out from different segments of the HAZ of welded joints in high-strength aluminium alloy B96 were studied by fractography analysis method. General laws of crack initiation and propagation at eccentric tension were determined. The reasons for initiation of centers of crack concentration and microcrack formation on grain boundaries were established.
Kisilevsky F.N. and Dolinenko V.V. Mathematical modeling and development of MIG welding monitoring controller 16
Object-oriented model of the MIG welding monitoring controller in the Simulink/MATLAB software environment is described. Investigations were carried out to study quality of operation of three monitoring algorithms. Implementation of the MIG welding controller with application of the object-oriented package xPC-Target/Simulink/MATLAB is suggested.
Shvachko V.I. and Ignatenko A.V. Model of transportation of hydrogen with dislocations 24
The model is suggested to describe the transportation of hydrogen atoms with edge dislocations, accounting for interaction of a hydrogen atom with edge dislocation and crystalline lattice of iron, as well as interaction of hydrogen atoms between each other. This allows the amount of transported hydrogen to be calculated depending upon the temperature of metal, velocity of an edge dislocation and concentration of free hydrogen. As shown by the numerical calculations, the transportation of hydrogen with an edge dislocation has maximum at a temperature close to the normal one.
Borisov Yu.S., Borisova A.L., Golnik V.F. and Ipatova Z.G. Corrosion resistance of thermal spray coatings of quasi-crystalline phase-containing AlCuFe base alloys 27
Corrosion resistance of detonation and plasma coatings of AlCuFe base powders alloyed with scandium, chromium and a set of elements Ti, Cr and Si in 0.1 n KOH solution, 0.1 n HCl solution and synthetic sea water was studied by the potentiostatic method. Dependence of electrochemical properties (potential and electrochemical rate of corrosion) of the coatings upon their spraying method, compositions and quasi-crystalline phase content was determined.
Rimsky S.T. Peculiarities of outflow of two gas flows from nozzles of welding torches in automatic consumable electrode welding 32
Laser-interferometry and shadow methods were used to study structure and character of outflow of argon and carbon dioxide flows, simultaneously outflowing onto the flat barrier from the internal and external nozzles of flat configuration with different geometry of the channels. Optimal combinations of rates of the internal and external shielding gas flows and efficient designs of the torch nozzles were found. Design of the torch for welding under forced conditions in a double flow of shielding gases, ensuring efficient shielding of the welding zone from air at currents up to 900 A and low flow rates of argon and carbon dioxide, is suggested.
Kirian V.I., Kajdalov A.A., Novikova D.P., Bogajchuk I.L. and Kesners M. Improvement of welded joint structure under the impact of wideband ultrasonic vibrations during welding 38
Problems of ultrasonic elastic vibration influence on materials are discussed. Treatment of a welded item by ultrasonic vibrations in a wide frequency band is proposed. Possibility of formation of a more fine-grained structure as a result of such treatment both in the weld metal and HAZ in arc welding of ordinary carbon steel St3sp is shown.
Shonin V.A. and Nedej T.N. Strength properties of laser-arc butt welded joints in thin-sheet alloy AMg6 41
Results of investigation into transverse tension properties of 1.9 mm thick welded joints in aluminium alloy AMg6, made by hybrid laser-arc welding and MIG welding in argon atmosphere by the traditional technology, are presented. Effect of such postweld treatments as removal of weld reinforcement and high-frequency peening of metal surface layers at the weld toe is considered.
Chigarev V.V., Zarechensky D.A. and Belik A.G. Peculiarities of melting of flux-cored strips with exothermic mixtures contained in their filler 46
Results of analysis of the effect exerted by exothermic mixtures of different compositions contained in a flux-cored strip filler on the character of melting of electrode and distribution of temperature at its extension are given.
News 48
Ryzhov R.N. Influence of pulse electromagnetic actions on formation and solidification of welds 49
On the basis of experimental investigations efficiency of the weld formation and solidification control processes was estimated using external electromagnetic actions based on application of pulse magnetic fields.
Thesis for a scientific degree 51
Jubilee Conference «Welding days 2006» in Germany 52
Conference «Rapidly-quenched materials and coatings» 53
Our congratulations 55
Developed at PWI 45

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