2013 №12 (09) 2013 №12 (02)

The Paton Welding Journal 2013 #12
The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, #12, 2-8 pages



E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
Analysis of publications devoted to laser surface alloying of steel items has been performed. Processes occurring at formation of the structure of surface layers at laser alloying of steels have been studied. Examples of practical application of laser surface alloying of steels by various materials and mixtures are given. It is shown that laser alloying enables formation of surface of steel items having a high level of hardness, heat-, wear- and corrosion resistance and other physico-mechanical characteristics. It is found that the work performed in this direction was not of a systematic nature, and quite often was aimed at solving a localized task of improvement of performance of a particular material or parts made from it. Therefore, results obtained by various authors cannot be systematized, because of significant differences in the schematics and conditions of research performance. 50 Ref., 2 Figures.
Keywords: laser alloying, schematic, process, alloyed zone, steel, alloying materials, commercial application
Received:                02.09.13
Published:               28.12.13
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Suggested Citation

A.V. BERNATSKY (2013) LASER SURFACE ALLOYING OF STEEL ITEMS (Review). The Paton Welding J., 12, 2-8.