2015 №11 (01) DOI of Article
2015 №11 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #11, 17-23 pages

Effect of cooling mode after diffusion welding and brazing on residual stresses in graphite-copper edge joints

V.V. Kvasnitsky1, G.V. Ermolaev2 And M.V. Matvienko3

1NTTU «Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 37 Pobeda Ave., 03056, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
2National Shipbuilding University 9 Geroiv Staliningrada Ave., 54025, Nikolaev, Ukraine. E-mail:
3Kherson Branch of National Shipbuilding University 44 Ushakov Ave., 73022, Kherson, Ukraine. E-mail:
Studied is stress-strain state at different modes of cooling of cylindrical assemblies from graphite and copper in plastic and elastic stages considering short-term plastic deformations as well as creep. Effect of cooling mode on plastic deformations in butt zone and axial stresses on assemblies' surface, determining possibility of fracture of brittle graphite was jound. 7 Ref., 3 Tables, 12 Figures.
Keywords: diffusion welding, brazing, graphite-copper joint, stress-strain state, cooling modes, residual stresses, mathematical modeling
Received:                21.07.15
Published:               21.12.15
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  4. Makhnenko, V.I., Kvasnitsky, V.V., Ermolaev, G.V. (2008) Stress-strain state of diffusion bonds between metals with different physical-mechanical properties. The Paton Welding J., 8, 2-6.
  5. Kvasnitsky, V.V., Ermolaev, G.V., Matvienko, M.V. (2009) Influence of strength and creep resistance on residual stress-strain state of metal-ceramic joints. Zbirnyk Nauk. Prats NUK, 3, 83-92.
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  7. Kvasnitsky, V.V., Matvienko, M.V., Ermolaev, G.V. (2009) Influence of the ratio of dimensions of cylindrical parts from dissimilar materials on their stress-strain state in diffusion welding. The Paton Welding J., 8, 17-20.

Suggested Citation

V.V. Kvasnitsky, G.V. Ermolaev And M.V. Matvienko (2015) Effect of cooling mode after diffusion welding and brazing on residual stresses in graphite-copper edge joints. The Paton Welding J., 11, 17-23.