
2018 №06 (05) DOI of Article
2018 №06 (01)

The Paton Welding Journal 2018 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2018, #6, 40-42 pages

High speed friction welding of titanium alloys — structure and properties of joints

D. Miara1, J. Matusiak1, A. Pietras1, M. Krystian2 and M. Dyner3

1Institute of welding 44-100, Gliwice, Str. Bl. Czeslava 16-18, Poland. E-mail:
2Austrian Institute of Technology Str. Giefinggasse 4, 1210, Vienna, Austria. E-mail:
3Plant of Medical Instruments CHIRMED Str. Mstowska 8A, 42-240 Rudniki, Czestochowy, Poland. E-mail:
The article presents test results concerning the high speed friction welding (HSFW) of titanium alloys Ti64 ELI and CP-Ti. In addition, the article presents tests results related to the welding process and the formation of flash. The quality of welds was assessed on the basis of non-destructive tests (visual tests) and destructive tests (static tensile tests and bend tests). The tests resulted in the identification of the correlation between HSFW conditions when joining titanium alloys, i.e. Ti64 ELI, CP-Ti, and the quality of welds. Consequently, the tests led to the determination of the optimum range of welding parameters as regards the strength of joints. 8 Ref., 2 Tables, 6 Figures.

Keywords: friction welding, titanium alloys, structure and properties
Received:                11.04.18
Published:               05.07.18
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Suggested Citation

D. Miara, J. Matusiak, A. Pietras, M. Krystian and M. Dyner (2018) High speed friction welding of titanium alloys — structure and properties of joints. The Paton Welding J., 06, 40-42.