The Paton Welding Journal, 2020, #6, 31-35 pages
Geometrical parameters of the brazed seam and its structure in plasma brazing of galvanized steel
S.V. Maksymova, I.V. Zvolinskyy and V.V. Yurkiv
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
The paper presents the results of investigations of brazed joints of 08Yu galvanized sheet steel, produced by welding,
arc and plasma brazing. It is confirmed that in the first case, spattering of the liquid pool metal, zinc evaporation and
porosity formation take place. The influence of energy input on brazed seam parameters was studied in plasma brazing
with application of BrKMts 3-1 brazing filler metal. It was found that increase of energy input leads to reduction of
face reinforcement height, but promotes increase of back reinforcement height, that requires a greater amount of brazing
filler metal. It was empirically determined that energy input value in the range of 520–590 J/cm ensures producing
butt joints of galvanized 08Yu steel with optimum size of back reinforcement. X-ray microprobe analysis showed that
high-quality dense welds form in this mode that have the structure of copper-based solid solution with dispersed inclusions
of iron-based phase, enriched in silicon. 11 Ref., 1 Table, 9 Figures.
Keywords: plasma brazing. galvanized steel, brazing filler metal, energy input, seam parameters, structure
Received 27.05.2020
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Suggested Citation
S.V. Maksymova, I.V. Zvolinskyy and V.V. Yurkiv (2020) Geometrical parameters of the brazed seam and its structure in plasma brazing of galvanized steel.
The Paton Welding J., 06, 31-35.