The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, #2, 11-15 pages
Influence of the composition of charge components in flux-cored strips of C–Fe–Cr–Mo alloying system on chemical and structural heterogeneity of the deposited metal
O.P. Voronchuk, O.P. Zhudra, T.V. Kaida, V.O. Kochura, L.M. Kapitanchuk, L.M. Ieremeieva
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
It is generally known that wear resistance of the deposited layer in the above-mentioned alloys depends on the reinforcing phase
characteristics, its concentration and qualities of the matrix alloy. The methods of X-ray structural, metallographic analyses and
X-ray microanalysis of metal of 500Kh30M type deposited by flux-cored strips revealed the dependence of the concentration,
form, orientation, phase components and integral hardness of the carbides on the method of adding chromium as the main carbide
forming element, to the charge. It is found that the maximum concentration of the carbide phase of up to 80‒90 % in the
deposited layer is achieved at addition of Cr3C2 chromium carbide to the flux-cored strip charge. Complex carbide systems —
(CrFe)7С3 are mainly present in the deposited metal for all the samples. Molybdenum does not form any separate carbide
compounds, but it is a component in carbides of (Cr2.5Fe4.2Мо0.2)С3 type. High concentration of the carbide component leads to
carbide washout, in connection with a considerable reduction of the matrix alloy. Optimal concentration of the carbide phase in
metal of 500Х30М type deposited with flux-cored strip, is achieved by adding a carbide forming element — chromium to the
electrode material charge in the proportion of 15‒25 % chromium carbide and 75‒85 % ferrochrome.
Keywords: flux-cored strip, chromium carbide, ferrochome, carbides, hardness, microstructure, matrix, concentration
Received: 12.11.2021
Accepted: 31.03.2022
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Suggested Citation
O.P. Voronchuk, O.P. Zhudra, T.V. Kaida, V.O. Kochura, L.M. Kapitanchuk, L.M. Ieremeieva (2022) Influence of the composition of charge components in flux-cored strips of C–Fe–Cr–Mo alloying system on chemical and structural heterogeneity of the deposited metal.
The Paton Welding J., 02, 11-15.