2022 №08 (01) DOI of Article
2022 №08 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal 2022 #08
The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, #8, 9-17 pages

Peculiarities of welding joints of 15KH2M2FBS (P3) AND X10CrMoVNb91 (P91) STEELS

V.Yu. Skulskyi1, M.O. Nimko1, A.R. Gavryk1, I.G. Osypenko1, O.V. Vavilov2, O.G. Kantor2, L.P. Rubashka2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
2JSC «Ukrenergymachines». 199 Heroyiv Kharkova Ave., 61037, Kharkiv. Е-mail:

Within the framework of currently urgent problem of reconstruction and restoration of equipment of thermal power units of TPP, work has been performed on development of basic technology of welding body elements of a steam turbine from low-alloyed 15Kh2M2FBS (P3) steel to branchpipes from high-chromium martensitic X10CrMoVNb91 steel with 9 % Cr (P91). The paper gives the results of determination of the thermal mode of welding such combined joints to prevent delayed fracture. Proceeding from study of the influence of different modes of high-temperature tempering on impact toughness of weld metal and hardness of welded joint areas hardened during welding, heat treatment modes were selected, depending on electrode material type. It is shown that the resultant mechanical properties of welded joints correspond to the requirements specified during work performance. 12 Ref., 5 Tabl., 9 Fig.
Keywords: heat-resistant steels, low-alloy steel, high-chromium martensitic steel, combined welded joints, cold cracks, hightemperature tempering, mechanical properties

Received: 05.02.2022
Accepted: 17.10.2022


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Suggested Citation

V.Yu. Skulskyi, M.O. Nimko, A.R. Gavryk, I.G. Osypenko, O.V. Vavilov, O.G. Kantor, L.P. Rubashka (2022) Peculiarities of welding joints of 15KH2M2FBS (P3) AND X10CrMoVNb91 (P91) STEELS. The Paton Welding J., 08, 9-17.