2024 №05 (05) DOI of Article
2024 №05 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal 2024 #05
The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, #5, 41-47 pages

UltraMARS system for non-destructive measurement of residual stresses: New developments

J. Kleiman

Structural Integrity Technologies, Inc. (Sintec) Markham, Ontario, Canada. Email:

One of the effective methods for non-destructive testing of residual and operating stresses is the acoustic method that is based on the propagation of elastic ultrasonic vibrations inside a solid body. A portable complex for measurement of applied and residual stresses in solid materials using an acoustic non-destructive stress control method was developed in the early 2000 by a team of scientists from Integrity Testing Laboratory, Sintec and E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute (PWI). An advanced complex UltraMARS was developed based on the early prototype that allows measuring the magnitude and the sign of operating and residual stresses in laboratory and field conditions, either averaged through thickness, or in surface and subsurface layers, as well as monitoring stresses in metal structural elements during their manufacture, repair and operation. It is effective in assessing the quality of welded joints, after post-weld treatments carried out in order to redistribute residual stresses. It has been successfully used in various applications in marine, aerospace, construction and other industries. A four-pole transducer has been developed to improve the operational characteristics of the UltraMARS complex in monitoring stresses on the surface and in the near-surface layers of the material. It differs from the used two-pole transducers of the surface wave (Surface-Rayleigh Wave — Transducer RF12) and subsurface wave (Subsurface — Transducer SF12) in having two transmitter-receiver pairs located at 90° to each other. This change allowed measuring the velocity of ultrasonic waves simultaneously in both orthogonal directions without rotating the transmitterreceiver by 90°. To use these transducers with the UltraMARS complex, a transmitter- receiver switching program has been developed. A transducer with a variable pole distance was also developed for measurement of residual stresses in the near-surface layers of materials, making it possible to determine the uniaxial induced stresses to a depth from 0 to 8‒10 mm by changing the base distance between the emitter and receiver. At the moment, a stress control technique is being developed. 22 Ref., 10 Figures.
Keywords: residual stresses, non-destructive ultrasonic measurement of residual stresses, UltraMARS, variable base transducer, 4-pole transducer

Received: 11.03.2024
Received in revised form: 13.04.2024
Accepted: 14.06.2024


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Suggested Citation

J. Kleiman (2024) UltraMARS system for non-destructive measurement of residual stresses: New developments. The Paton Welding J., 05, 41-47.