The Paton Welding Journal, 2025, #1, 3-9 pages
Diffusion bonding of Ti6-4 alloy through multilayer interlayers of an eutectic composition based on Ti–Cu system
T.V. Melnychenko, A.I. Ustinov, O.Yu. Klepko, O.V. Samofalov
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:
The regularities of diffusion bonding of the titanium alloy Ti6-4 through multilayer interlayers of eutectic composition based
on Ti–Cu system, produced by electron beam deposition under vacuum, were investigated in this work. The microstructure
and mechanical properties of the joints were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and by determining their shear
strength. It is shown that multilayer interlayers provide defect-free joints without degradation of titanium alloy properties at a
temperature of 920‒950 °C, corresponding to the melting range of the interlayer. It is established that the nature of the reaction
interaction of the components of the interlayer and Ti6-4 alloy during heating depends on the temperature and melting range of
the multilayer interlayer and determines the microstructure and phase composition of the joint. Absence of continuous layers of
intermetallics (TiCu, Ti2Cu) in the joint and formation of a dispersed Widmanstätten structure with copper and nickel content
of < 7 at.% provide the joint strength at the level of the Ti6-4 alloy.
Keywords: multilayer foil, EB-PVD, Ti6-4 alloy, diffusion bonding, microstructure, shear strength
Received: 31.07.2024
Received in revised form: 23.10.2024
Accepted: 23.01.2025
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Suggested Citation
T.V. Melnychenko, A.I. Ustinov, O.Yu. Klepko, O.V. Samofalov (2025) Diffusion bonding of Ti6-4 alloy through multilayer interlayers of an eutectic composition based on Ti–Cu system.
The Paton Welding J., 01, 3-9.