
2009 №01 (01) 2009 №01 (03)

TPWJ, 2009, #1, 6-11 pages


Journal                    The Paton Welding Journal
Publisher                 International Association «Welding»
ISSN                       0957-798X (print)
Issue                       № 1, 2009 (January)
Pages                       6-11
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
2IMG GmbH, Rostock, Germany
Described is an example of application of mathematical modelling for investigation of the efficiency of the process of thermal straightening of shipbuilding panels, based on the approach of a combined use of the general thermoplasticity method and approximate shrinkage function method. It is shown that the approach suggested is particularly efficient for prediction of general distortions of large-size spatial structures in the case of a large number of welds contained in them or of local heatings used for straightening. The results of experiments on thermal straightening of shipbuilding panels with buckling distortions have been analysed, and objective factors limiting the efficiency of this technological operation, especially with large thicknesses of the panels, have been revealed.
Keywords: thin-sheet welded structures, shipbuilding panels, welding distortions, thermal straightening, mathematical modelling, thermoplasticity method, shrinkage function method
Received:                21.03.08
Published:                28.01.09
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