2021 №01 (04) DOI of Article
2021 №01 (06)

The Paton Welding Journal 2021 #01
The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, #1, 23-28 pages

Influence of external electromagnetic field on parameters and defects of crystal lattice of metal of welded joints during underwater welding

S.Yu. Maksymov, О.M. Berdnikova, O.O. Prilipko, T.O. Alekseenko and E.V. Polovetskyi

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:

A study of the influence of external electromagnetic field on the parameters and defects of a crystal lattice (dislocation) in the metal of welded joints of low-alloy steel produced under water was carried out. A mathematical model and software package for calculating density of welding and eddy currents in massive conductors, density of magnetizing currents on the surface of ferromagnetic bodies were developed, mathematical models were used to analyze distribution of electrodynamic forces in arc welding and external electromagnetic influence and evaluation of the developed mathematical models on adequacy and reliability of the obtained results was performed. It was established that an external electromagnetic influence improves the quality of the weld metal, which is very important in welding of critical structures operating in the water environment. It is shown that during underwater welding of joints and applying external electromagnetic influence in the metal of heat-affected-zone, a finer-grained substructure with a general decrease in dislocation density and its uniform distribution is formed. The estimates of the level of local inner stresses taking into account the peculiarities of distribution and dislocation density in structural components show that their maximum level is formed during welding without external electromagnetic influence along the boundaries of upper bainite laths in the places of long dislocation clusters — concentrators of local inner stresses. A low level of local inner stresses is observed in the metal of the welded joints produced on the conditions at application of external electromagnetic influence. This is facilitated by a general decrease in the dislocation density and their uniform distribution in the structural components of a lower bainite, which should provide crack resistance of welded joints. 19 Ref., 1 Table, 5 Figures.
Keywords: underwater welding, welded joints, external electromagnetic influence, microstructure, dislocation density, dislocation hardening, local inner stresses

Received 16.12.2020


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Suggested Citation

S.Yu. Maksymov, О.M. Berdnikova, O.O. Prilipko, T.O. Alekseenko and E.V. Polovetskyi (2021) Influence of external electromagnetic field on parameters and defects of crystal lattice of metal of welded joints during underwater welding. The Paton Welding J., 01, 23-28.