2012 №12 (01) 2012 №12 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal 2012 #12
The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, #12, 8-14 pages  


V.A. Kostin, G.M. Grigorenko, V.D. Poznyakov, S.L. Zhdanov, T.G. Solomijchuk, T.A. Zuber and A.A. Maksimenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
Influence of welding thermal cycle on microstructure and properties of HAZ metal in new steels with carbide and carbonitride type of strengthening, namely 06GBD, 10G2FB, 15KSATYuD, was studied. It is shown that under the influence of welding thermal cycle an optimum complex of ferritic-bainitic structures forms in a rather broad range of cooling rates (w6/5 = 10-30 °C/s), which is characterized by values of strength, ductility and cold resistance on the level of requirements made of base metal of strength class C440.
Keywords: arc welding, structural steels, carbonitride strengthening, welding thermal cycle, Gleeble 3800, microstructure, bainite, MAC-phase, mechanical properties
Received:                ??.??.??
Published:               28.12.12
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Suggested Citation

V.A. Kostin, G.M. Grigorenko, V.D. Poznyakov, S.L. Zhdanov, T.G. Solomijchuk, T.A. Zuber and A.A. Maksimenko (2012) INFLUENCE OF WELDING THERMAL CYCLE ON STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MICROALLOYED STRUCTURAL STEELS. The Paton Welding J., 12, 8-14.