2015 №12 (05) DOI of Article
2015 №12 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #12
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #12, 29-33 pages

Electron beam welding of medium-pressure chamber of gas turbine engine

V.M. Nesterenkov1, L.A. Kravchuk1, Yu.A. Arkhangelsky1, I.A. Petrik2 And Yu.A. Marchenko2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
2Company «Motor-Sich». 15 Motorostroiteli Ave., 69068, Zaporozhie, Ukraine. E-mail:
Investigations were performed in order to develop the technology of manufacturing all-welded outer part of front case of GTE medium-pressure chamber, and schemes of welding the inner and outer butt welds of posts were selected, providing defect-free formation of face and root weld beads at through-thickness penetration of cast titanium a-alloy VT5L of 5-26 mm thickness in one pass. System of computer control of the process of EBW in UL-209M machine allows performing in one process cycle cleaning of the butt vicinity from remains of contamination and oxides, using low-power electron beam focused on the metal surface, as well as spot, short and continuous tack welds. Rotators with vertical and horizontal axes of rotation are provided for positioning, fixing and rotation of the item relative to electron beam gun. Programs for EBW given in the form of tables, assign the values of coordinates of points of each path section, to which it is necessary to move, values of welding and focusing currents, process scan amplitudes, as well as speed of displacement in a given section. At constant welding speed 12 mm/s, values of welding current and focusing current in the transition points of the change of working distance and thickness of edges being welded were varied by a linear law, that ensured formation of the weld face and root beads without undercuts or depressions along the entire butt length. 15 Ref., 7 Figures.
Keywords: electron beam welding, electron beam, through-thickness penetration, weld face and root beads, variable thickness, welding scheme, porosity, macrostructure, computer control, videocontrol device, welding program
Received:                13.07.15
Published:               21.01.16
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Suggested Citation

V.M. Nesterenkov, L.A. Kravchuk, Yu.A. Arkhangelsky, I.A. Petrik And Yu.A. Marchenko (2015) Electron beam welding of medium-pressure chamber of gas turbine engine. The Paton Welding J., 12, 29-33.