
2017 №06 (09) DOI of Article
2017 №06 (11)

The Paton Welding Journal 2017 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, #5-6, 51-57 pages

Robotic system of non-destructive eddy-current testing of complex geometry products

V.V. Dolinenko1, E.V. Shapovalov1, T.G. Skuba1, V.A. Kolyada1, Yu.V. Kuts2, R.M. Galagan2 and V.V. Karpinsky2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
2NTUU «Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute» 37 Peremogy Av., 03056, Kiev, Ukraine
An analysis was carried out for relevant state of development of automated and automatic systems of eddy-current non-destructive testing of complex geometry products. The necessity is shown in development of adaptive robotic systems, in which an operator is not directly engaged in testing process. The substantiation is given for the need of implementation of new efficient methodology of eddy-current signals processing. It uses a theory of discrete Hilbert transform in combination with the methods of theory of signals statistical manipulation. A structural scheme was proposed for a robotic automatic control complex consisting of industrial robot-manipulator, coordinate table with several degrees of freedom and device for tested object fixing, automatic station with a set of eddy-current converters of different types, block of machine vision probes, PC and electron block for control and processing of eddy-current signals. 12 Ref., 7 Figures.
Keywords: automatic non-destructive eddy-current testing, adaptive robotic complex, machine vision probe, amplitude and phase characteristic of eddy-current signal
Received:                19.04.17
Published:               06.07.17
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Suggested Citation

V.V. Dolinenko, E.V. Shapovalov, T.G. Skuba, V.A. Kolyada, Yu.V. Kuts, R.M. Galagan and V.V. Karpinsky (2017) Robotic system of non-destructive eddy-current testing of complex geometry products. The Paton Welding J., 06, 51-57.