Medovar B. I., Medovar L. B., Saenko V. Ya.
Electroslag technologies in the XXI century
The state-of-the-art and prospects of development of electroslag
technologies in the XXIst century are considered. It is shown
that the future will belong to all the varieties of electroslag
technologies which use the liquid filler metal. P. 12
Lantsman I. A., Yakovlev S. G., Medovar L. B.
System of automation of the electroslag remelting furnace
System of automation of the electroslag remelting furnace,
implemented at the Engineering Center of electroslag technologies
of the E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute, is presented. A
special attention is paid to the technical aspects of using
input-output devices, manufactured by companies "Holit Data
Systems" (Kiev) and "L-Card" (Moscow), and also a graphical
system of programming LabVIEW of "National Instruments" company
(USA). The project was realized by the "Elmet-Roll" company
during 1998-1999. P. 18
Akhonin S. V.
Mathematical modelling of process of dissolution of TiN
inclusions in titanium melt during EBM
Mathematical model of process of dissolution of nitride
non-metallic inclusions in the melt of titanium alloys,
establishing the relationship between the rate of dissolution of
particles and the melt temperature, has been constructed. The
time of complete dissolution of nitrogen-containing inclusions of
different chemical composition and initial sizes was defined with
respect to the electron beam melting conditions. P. 20
Kozlovets O. N., Tregub N. P., Pikulin A. N.
Removal of non-metallic inclusions and gases from nickel-based
alloys in electron beam melting with an intermediate crucible
Results of comparative investigations of quality of nickel-based
alloys using open arc, vacuum-arc melting and electron beam
remelting with an intermediate crucible are given. The effect of
remelting on the content of non-metallic inclusions and gases was
examined. It is shown that the most complete refining is provided
from hydrogen whose residual content does not exceed
0.00006...0.00009 %. During EBMIC the metal is refined from
harmful gas impurities, and the non-metallic inclusions are
decreased in sizes and distributed more uniformly in the ingot
section. P. 24
Sheiko I. V., Latash S. V., Konstantinov V. S., Stepanenko V. V.
About the problem of application of independent heat sources for
utilization of industrial waste of titanium and its alloys
Analysis of remelting titanium waste using independent heat
sources is given. Application of plasma-arc remelting and
induction melting in a sectioned mould is emphasized. Technical
characteristics of plasma-arc furnace of UP-100 type and
induction furnace of OP-117 type with a sectioned mould, as well
as chemical composition of titanium ingots produced from waste in
these furnaces are described. The application of the latter is
promising for utilization of waste of titanium and its alloys.
P. 27
Grigorenko G. M., Sheiko I. V., Pomarin Yu. M.,
Chadyuk E. N., Orlovsky V. Yu.
Development of technological principles of melting of homogeneous
ingots of titanium aluminide in water-cooled moulds using
plasma-arc and induction sources of heating
It is shown that the use of plasma-arc remelting and induction
melting in a sectioned mould is rational for producing titanium
aluminide ingots of a high chemical homogeneity. Technological
recommendations for melting homogeneous ingots are issued,
comprehensive examination of the material produced is carried out
and the feasibilty of a single-stage technology of cast titanium
aluminide production is grounded. P. 32
Medovar L. B., Tsykulenko A. K., Shevchenko V. E.
Modern mill rolls, requirements, materials and methods of
Data are presented about the status in production of working and
supporting rolls of different types of mills. Existing directions
in the selection of roll materials and technology of their
production are analyzed. The steady tendency in using composite
rolls with a working layer made from high-alloyed materials is
stated on the basis of the analysis. P. 38
Moisov L.P., Burylyov B.P.
Calculation of nitrogen solubility in iron-based molten alloys
The present equation for the calculation is based on the basis of
the formula for the gas dissolubility in binary and
multi-component systems its adaptability to nitrogen solutions in
melts. The checking of the expression was made in comparison with
the calculation results with the experimental data for the
systems: Fe-Ni-N, Fe-Co-N, Fe-Cu-N, Co-Ni-N and the dependence
for the not studied systems Co-Cu-N, Ni-Cu-N was predicted. P. 49