2021 №04 (07) DOI of Article
2021 №04 (01)

Electrometallurgy Today 2021 #04
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2021, #4, 51-58 pages

Influence of heat treatment on the structure and properties of welded joints of high-strength titanium alloys based on β-phase

S.V. Akhnonin1, V.Yu. Bilous1, R.V. Selin1, E.L. Vrzhyzhevskyi1, I.K. Petrychenko1, S.L. Antonyuk2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2SC «O.K. Antonov ASTC». 1 Tupolev Str., 03062, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: info@antonov.com

The properties of electron beam welded joints of sparsely-alloyed titanium pseudo-β-alloy of LCB type of Ti–2.8Al– 5.1Mo–4.9Fe alloying system and structural VT19 pseudo-β-alloy of Ti–3Al–5.5Mo–3.5V–5.5Cr–1Zr alloying system were studied. It was found that the joint structure consists of β-phase grains, in which dispersed precipitates of α-phase are present. The quantity of β-phase in the weld metal after electron beam welding is recorded on the level of 71….74 % in Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe alloy and of 74….87 % in Ti–3Al–5.5Mo–3.5V–5.5Cr–1Zr alloy. Local heat treatment of welded joints does not ensure lowering of β-phase content in the metal of the weld and HAZ, but allows producing almost full strength joints, with strength level of 98 % of that of the base metal in as-rolled condition. Hardening followed by aging for joints of Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe alloy is the most effective heat treatment, which allows increasing the joint strength up to 1204 MPa at impact toughness values on the level of 3.7...4.2 J/cm2. Ref. 14, Tabl. 4, Fig. 5.
Keywords: titanium; titanium alloys; welded joints; sparsely-alloyed; pseudo-β-alloys; heat treatment; annealing; hardening; aging; microstructure, mechanical properties

Received 24.11.2021


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