2022 №01 (03) DOI of Article
2022 №01 (05)

Electrometallurgy Today 2022 #01
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #1, 34-39 pages

Electroslag melting in an open mould of ingots from sheet scrap wastes of titanium VT1-0

D.I. Bilonik1, О.V. Ovchynnykov1, I.M. Bilonik1, O.Ye. Kapustian1, S.A. Shumikin1, D.V. Raspornia2, Yu.M. Savonov1

1Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University. 64 Zhukovsky Str, 69063, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. E-mail: aek@zntu.edu.ua
2O.O. Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 46 Nauki Ave., 03680, Kyiv, Ukraine

The expediency of conducting studies of the electroslag process in an open mould to produce titanium ingots using consumable electrodes made from conditioned wastes of VT1-0 titanium sheets was substantiated. The results of the study of the produced titanium ingots of 85 mm diameter and 90×90 mm cross section are presented. Smelting was performed in electroslag installation A-550, flux was CaF2 (100 %). To prevent critical heating of the consumable titanium electrodes and oxidation of their surface, a sliding current supply was installed on the upper flange of the mould. The optimal technological parameters of electroslag smelting were established on the basis of analysis of the shape and determination of the depth of the metal pool, which was fixed with tungsten chips at the deposition rate of 0.9⋅10‒2 kg/s; 1.1⋅10‒2 kg/s and 1.7⋅10‒2 kg/s. Surface condition and chemical composition were evaluated on ingots produced with an optimal deposition rate of (0.9⋅10‒2 kg/s). The ingot surface was smooth, without any constrictions or corrugations. Chemical composition of ingots, wt.%: Ti — base; C — 0.024; Fe — 0.06; Si — 0.05; O2 — 0.25; N2 — 0.058; H2 — 0.0016 meets the requirements of GOST 19807‒91 for unalloyed VT1-0 titanium, except for higher oxygen and nitrogen content; and fully complies with the chemical composition of VT1-2 grade and a number of undoped titanium materials from foreign manufacturers. Performed studies have shown the fundamental possibility of using electroslag smelting technology in an open mould with a sliding current supply to produce ingots from sheet wastes of VT1-0 titanium. Ref. 28, Table 1, Fig. 4.
Keywords: VT1-0 titanium; electroslag process; semi-finished product; flux, consumable electrode; chemical composition

Received 29.11.2021


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