"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #1, 47-55 pages
Structure and properties of welded joints of steel 20 modified by nanoparticles of tungsten carbide
V.Yu. Bilous, V.V. Pashynskyi, V.O. Berezos, R.V. Selyn, E.L. Vrzhyzhevskyi
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The work is devoted to study of the influence of process parameters of welding steel 20 on the structure and properties
of low carbon steel welded joints. Experimental steel was modified by nanosized carbide modifier of the system of
«thermally split graphite (TRG)–wolframite». The aim of the study was to establish the details of formation of the
structure and complex of mechanical properties in the material, containing dispersed reinforcing particles of the carbide
phase under the thermal influence of welding processes. The steel was obtained by the method of electron beam remelting
(EBR) of the charge billet, which included a nanoscale carbide modifier. Welding of experimental steel samples
was performed using electron beam welding (EBW) and argon-arc welding (AAW) technologies. The obtained samples
were used to study the macro- and microstructure of the base metal and welded joints by optical microscopy, as well
as to determine the mechanical characteristics of metal of welded joints. It was found that the base metal, produced by
EBR and following hot rolling of the obtained ingot has a homogeneous ferritic-pearlitic structure, but the morphology
of the carbide phase in eutectoid colonies differs from plate pearlitic morphology due to the presence of spheroidized
carbide phase particles. In welding by AAW technology, structures with the morphology of the same type as in the base
metal are formed in the HAZ, the main difference is the increase in the degree of carbide phase spheroidization and
some increase in grain size. EBW technology leads to formation of narrow layers with the structure of lath martensite
in the weld fusion zone. It has been established that both the welding technologies provide joints with mechanical
characteristics on the level of the base metal, but the EBW technology ensures higher ductility characteristics of the
metal. Ref. 13, Table. 4, Fig. 7.
Keywords: nanoscale modifier; tungsten carbide; dispersion hardening; electron beam welding; argon arc welding;
strength; elongation; microstructure
Received 24.01.2022
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