"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #3, 11-17 pages
Development of the CoCrAlY/ZrO2–8 % Y2O3 type thermal barrier coating by surface doping of the metal layer with aluminum
K.Yu. Yakovchuk1, G.P. Myalnitsya2, A.V. Mykytchyk1, Yu.E. Rudoy1, R.O. Tkach1
1State-Run Enterprise «International Center for Electron Beam Technologies of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding
Institute, NASU», 68 Antonovych Str. 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: yakovchuk@paton-icebt.kiev.ua
2State-Run Enterprise «Gas Turbine Research & Production Complex «Zorya»-«Mashproekt».
42-a Bohoyavlenskyi Prosp., 54018, Mykolayiv, Ukraine. E-mail: presz@zorya.com.ua
The diffusion processes occurring at aluminum enrichment of the CoCrAlY overlayer during vacuum annealing from
the slurry suspension applied to its surface and their influence on the structure, chemical composition and properties of
CoCrAlY/ZrO2–8 % Y2O3 electron beam evaporated on nickel-based superalloy samples were studied. It is shown that
the diffusion layer formed on the surface of the CoCrAlY alloy, enriched in aluminum, has a heterogeneous thickness
and contains two microstructural zones with different aluminum content (external zone with aluminum up to 31 % and
inner with aluminum up to 19 %). It was found that during vacuum heat treatment, cobalt and chromium diffuse into
the slurry layer. As a result, microhardness increases up to 9 GPa and microcracks that propagate into the CoCrAlY
layer are formed. The parameters of low-temperature heat treatment, which provides the formation of a defect-free diffusion
zone in CoCrAlY, are established. The attained results allowed us to optimize the technology of CoCrAlY layer
thermodiffusional alumization from the slurry for CoCrAlY/ZrO2–8 % Y2O3 coatings in order to increase the operating
temperature of the turbine blades made of CM-88U and CM-93 superalloys. Ref. 9, Tabl. 6, Fig. 7.
Keywords: electron beam physical vapor deposition; thermal barrier coatings; nickel-based superalloy; CoCrAlY
metal bond coat; thermodiffusional alumization; slurry; thermally grown Al2O3 oxide (TGO); ZrO2–8 % Y2O3 outer
ceramic layer, diffusion of elements
Received 30.06.2022
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