"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2024, #2, 25-29 pages
Experimental studies of silicon bond energy in manganese ore materials and slags
Yu.S. Projdak, V.A. Gladkykh, A.V. Ruban
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.
4 Gagarin Prosp., 49600, Dnipro, Ukraine. E-mail: artem_ruban@ukr.net
Experimental studies on the nature of chemical bonding in manganese silicate systems were carried out in photoelectron
spectrometer ES-2402. It was established that the change in the binding energy of the core electronic levels of
the atoms of the elements is subject to the general patterns of changes in the electronic structure and chemical characteristics
within the Periodic System of elements. Additional data on the chemical bond energy of silicon in complex
compounds of MnO–SiO2 and MnO–CaO–SiO2 were obtained. 15 Ref., 2 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Keywords: bond energy, silicon, manganese silicate systems, coordination number, chemical shift, electronegativity
Received: 07.04.2024
Received in revised form: 17.04.2024
Accepted: 10.06.2024
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