The Paton Welding Journal 2001 #08

Royanov V.A.
55 years of the Chair of Welding Equipment and Technology of the Priazovsky State Technical University.
Razmyshlyaev A.D., Shaferovsky V.A. and Belousov Yu.V.
Education of specialists at the Welding Faculty of the Priazovsky State Technical University.
Matvienko V.N. and Gulakov S.V.
30 years of the Branch Research Laboratory of Surfacing.
Chigarev V.V., Makarenko N.A., Kondrashov K.A. and Voropaj N.M.
Features of electrode wire melting in surfacing by plasma-MIG process.
The influence of a hollow non-consumable electrode arc in surfacing by the plasma-MIG process on the mode of melting of flux-cored wire axially fed through the plasmatron channel, is determined. Its positive effect on the uniformity of melting of the wire core and metal sheath is established. It is shown that surfacing by plasma-MIG process can be performed at a lower current of the consumable electrode without short-circuiting of the arc gap and with minimal penetration of the base metal.
Royanov V.A. and Psaras G.G.
Deposition of Br.AZh9-4 bronze by argon-arc surfacing with three dissimilar wires.
The possibility of producing a deposited layer of bronze Br.AZh9-4 in electric arc surfacing, using three dissimilar wires of copper, iron and aluminium is confirmed. Optimal wire feed rates and surfacing modes are established that provide the optimal required composition. The nature of variation of the deposited metal composition through the bead height is established, and the optimal height of the working layer deposit is recommended. Applications of the developed technology are described.
Zakharova I.V., Chichkarev E.A., Vasiliev V.G., Trotsan A.I., Dejneka A.Ya. and Kiryukhin O.S.
Structure and properties of HAZ metal of low-alloyed pipe steels modified with calcium.
Diagrams of anisothermal decay of austenite for 13G1SU, 09G2FB, 10G2FB steels, modified with calcium, are plotted by the method of dilatometric measurements. The changes in structure of low-alloyed pipe steels under the action of the welding thermal cycle are shown. The constants of the exponential functions to describe for the polymorphous transformations are determined, the parameters of empiric equation, relating the impact strength values with a phase composition of HAZ metal are evaluated. It was established that the cooling rate within the 600-500 oC interval for 13G1SU, 09G2FB, 10G2FB steels should be within 5-35 oC/s, while at strict requirements to the structure - 8.5-35.0 oC/s.
Razmyshlyaev A.D., Maevsky V.R. and Sidorenko S.M.
Calculation of magnetic field induction of a solenoid with a ferromagnetic core for arc surfacing.
The method of secondary sources was the basis to develop the procedure of calculation of magnetic field induction in the zone between the solenoid with a ferromagnetic core, generating a longitudinal magnetic field, and plate-workpiece. Optimal dimensions of the solenoid were calculated for the process of submerged-arc surfacing in a longitudinal magnetic field.
Gulakov S.V., Nosovsky B.I., Tarasenko I.V. and Psareva I.S.
Investigation of the process of flux melting by the arc.
Concepts of flux melting by thermal radiation of the arc column in electric arc welding have been analysed. It is established experimentally that the main thermal effect is produced by a plume formed in a running arc. Its physical impact is observed simultaneously, being manifested in formation of flows in the slag that transfer the heat from the plume to peripheral zones.
Vojtsekhovsky E.V.
Automated thermal spraying line for application of anticorrosion coatings on tubular metal structures and pipes.
The paper describes an automated thermal spraying line that has been developed for application of anticorrosion coatings on tubular metal structures and pipes. Ingenuous technical solutions incorporated into the line design, allow solving in practice the issues of automated application of coatings by electric arc metallising, ensuring high quality of the products.
Nosovsky M.B.
Parameters of a device providing longitudinal oscillation of the electrode wire tip.
A mechanism providing pulsed wire feed in mechanised welding is proposed. Analysis of the pulsed feed mechanism transmission ratio has been performed, allowing its optimal design parameters to be determined.
Kassov V.D.
Minimizing the loss of metal deposited using a flux-cored strip.
Conditions of arc surfacing with a strip are discussed under which the metal loss during subsequent machining is minimal.
Malinov L.S. and Malinov V.L.
Manganese-containing surfacing consumables.
Results of the work performed at the Priazovsky State Technical University on making surfacing consumables to provide the deposited layer with meta-stable austenite reinforced with hardening phases and realize the effect of self-hardening under loading are generalized. The above effect is caused by transformation of austenite into martensite under loading during the wearing process.
Khomenko N.N.
Manufacture of semiconducting transducers by electrochemical welding.
Issues associated with electrochemical welding of silicon to steels for making units of pressure transducers and other assemblies are considered. Fields of application of the transducers, their design and technological peculiarities are described. Data on welding equipment and ways of its upgrading are presented.
Bolotov G.P.
Glow discharge as a heat source for bonding and brazing processes (Review).
Main results of research and development aimed at improvement and widening of technological capabilities of glow discharge as a heat source for joining processes are presented. Methods which hold promise for increasing stability of glow discharge are described and basic types of power supplies and pieces of equipment are characterized. Technological problems which are successfully solved by glow-discharge bonding and brazing are outlined.
Berezin L.Ya.
Some peculiarities of process of welding dielectrics with metals and between themselves in electrostatic field.
The main stages of process of welded joint formation during welding in electrostatic field are described. Peculiarities of the process with respect to its implementation and selection of condition parameters of welding dielectrics with metals in a solid phase, as well as technical characteristics of the joints made by welding in an electrostatic field are considered.
Khomenko N.N., Balakireva E.V. and Olekseenko S.V.
Internal electrostatic fields and their role in solid-phase electrochemical welding of metals.
Problems of formation of internal electrical fields in silicon-glass contact zone are considered. The effect of different factors on the formation of these fields is shown. The investigations of the transition zone of welded joints are presented.
Badaev A.S. and Nikolaenko S.V.
Modelling and simulation of technologies and equipment during education process of welding engineers.
Problems of modelling and simulation of equipment and technology of fabrication of welded structures in the course of the education process are considered. Some laboratory works on subject "Fabrication of welded structures" are presented and described.
Zadorozhny Yu.G. and Grebenichenko V.Ya.
Investigation of the transition zone in bonds between high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics and metal.
Interaction of materials in a bond between piezoelectric ceramics and copper, made through a chromium barrier interlayer, has been evaluated. The blocking effect of chromium on diffusion of bismuth into copper, as well as the value of diffusion of bismuth, which is not in excess of thickness of the chromium barrier interlayer, have been estimated.
Serdyuk V.I. and Gnatyuk O.V.
Improvement of methods for increasing quality of vacuum coatings.
Problems of development of different-purpose quality coatings on polymers, glasses and metals are considered. The ways of improvement of technological processes of coating deposition are shown.

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