The Paton Welding Journal 2005 #11

Makhnenko V.I. and Saprykina G.Y.
To the issue of intermittent solidification of weld metal
The issue of intermittent solidification of the weld pool metal is considered, which was very actively discussed by specialists in 1970s. The authors propose, without laying claim to comprehensive solution, a phenomenological model of the readily observed facts.
Labur T.M., Ishchenko A.Ya., Taranova T.G., Kostin V.A. and Grigorenko G.M.
Features of crack initiation and propagation under the conditions of off-center tension of 1441 AlДLi alloy welded joints
Peculiarities of initiation and propagation of cracks at fracture of metal in HAZ of welded joints on aluminium-lithium alloy 1441, depending upon the thermophysical conditions of welding and volume content of precipitating phases, have been studied. It is shown that formation of fracture centres is related to increase in the volume content of coarse phases present in the metal structure. It has been established that the rate of metal cooling in fusion welding affects the value of the energy of crack initiation in the alloy.
Yukhimets P.S., Garf E.F. and Nekhotyashchy V.A.
Experimental substantiation of method for calculation of residual life of pipelines with corrosion damages
Two full-scale specimens with recesses in the form of a semi-ellipsoid and cylinder were tested to check the offered method for calculation of residual life of pipelines allowing for the surface defects. The above recesses stimulated surface corrosion damages under cycle loading by internal pressure. The results obtained proved adequacy of the developed method for estimation of residual life of pipelines comprising corrosion damages.
Ostsemin A.A. and Dilman V.L.
Static strength and stressed state of mechanically inhomogeneous butt welded joints with X-shape groove
Static strength of welded joints comprising a less strong weld on plates with X-groove, compared with base metal, has been estimated by the method of solving the plane problem of the plasticity theory. The stressed state of mechanically inhomogeneous butt welded joints has been studied. The possibility of determining the optimal geometric size of the weld metal is shown.
Lobanov L.M., Pashchin N.A., Loginov V.P. and Loginova Yu.V.
Application of electric pulse treatment of structural elements to extend their service life (Review)
Current concepts of the influence of structural material treatment by current pulses on their mechanical properties are generalized. Types of electric pulse impact on current-carrying materials are classified, and prospects for its application to improve the mechanical properties of welded joints are outlined. It is established that electric pulse treatment of welded joints may be promising for extending the service life of metal structures.
Tsaryuk A.K., Skulsky V.Yu., Gavrik A.R., Moravetsky S.I. and Strizhius G.N.
Sealing of hot-rolled steel 20KhN4FA cylinder bottoms by welding
Considered are causes of defects formed in hot-rolled cylinder bottoms and peculiarities of their repair. Weldability of steel 20KhN4FA has been evaluated, and recommendations are given on preheating temperature, welding electrodes and manual arc welding procedure. Automatic submerged-arc welding on a backing was tried out as an alternative welding process.
Matveev V.V.
Repair of railway wagon wheels by cladding with preliminary annealing of roll surfaces
The set of technological problems to be addressed in the process of repair of railway wheels by cladding is considered. The technology is offered for high-productivity multi-electrode cladding of wheels after annealing of the roll surfaces.
Ryzhov R.N., Maksimov S.Yu., Prilipko E.A. and Kozhukhar V.A.
Influence of external electromagnetic actions on the structure and composition of welds in wet underwater welding
Analysis of microstructures of all the welded joint zones and weld composition was the basis to determine the optimum parameters of the controlling magnetic field, providing maximum improvement of mechanical properties of the joints in wet underwater welding.
Thesis for scientific degree 36
Developed at PWI 23

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