2012 №10 (06) 2012 №10 (08)

The Paton Welding Journal 2012 #10
The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, #10, 39-43 pages  

Peculiarities of wear and criteria of repairability of drill bits with diamond—hard-alloy cutters

V.F. Khorunov, B.V. Stefaniv, O.M. Sabadash, V.V. Voronov

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
The degree of wear and criteria of repairability of drill bits with diamond—hard-alloy cutters were studied. Statistical data on service life of different types of diamond drill bits were analysed.
Keywords: headway, mechanical speed, superhard materials, diamond layer, diamond—hard-alloy cutter (DHAC), wear resistance, drill well, polycrystalline diamond cutter (PCDC)
Received:                24.05.12
Published:               28.10.12
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Suggested Citation

V.F. Khorunov, B.V. Stefaniv, O.M. Sabadash, V.V. Voronov (2012) Peculiarities of wear and criteria of repairability of drill bits with diamond—hard-alloy cutters. The Paton Welding J., 10, 39-43.