?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, №03
2014 №03 (09) DOI of Article
2014 №03 (02)

The Paton Welding Journal 2014 #03
The Paton Welding Journal, 2014, #3, 2-10 pages



E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Analysis of state-of-the-art of problems of numerical modeling and prediction of weld metal microstructure in high-strength low-alloyed steels was performed. Modern approaches to computer modeling of weld microstructure are analyzed from the viewpoint of prediction of weld metal microstructure and properties, taking into account the influence of nonmetallic inclusions on them. General principles of the problem of modeling the process of formation and evolution of nonmetallic inclusions in the weld metal are considered. Thermodynamic approach to prediction of weld metal microstructure and its drawbacks are presented. Features of modeling the process of metal solidification in the weld pool have been analyzed. Theoretical models of dendrite growth by Ivantsov and KGT-theory are noted; limitations of analytical modeling are described. Critical analysis of numerical models of dendrite solidification has been performed. A conclusion was made that the most adequate and experimentally substantiated results of dendrite growth modeling, allowing for nonmetallic inclusion influence, are to be expected from the method of cellular automation, which should be modified allowing for the capabilities of analytical and numerical models. Such an approach is based to computational simplicity and no need for determination of a number of physical constants for real materials. 53 Ref., 3 Figures.
Keywords: weld, microstructure, primary structure, dendrites, nonmetallic inclusions, numerical modeling, microstructure prediction
Received:                22.11.13
Published:               28.03.14
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