2015 №06 (22) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (24)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 101-106 pages  

Cobalt-based alloys for surfacing

R. Rosert

RCT GmbH, Dresden, Germany. E-mail:
Many modern steel structures are characterized by high mechanical properties of joints, as well as good corrosion resistance of the applied materials. Coating of base materials with selected mechanical properties using surfacing by flux-cored wire based on cobalt is a reliable way to obtain the desired combination of properties, such as corrosion and wear resistance. The advantages of flux-cored wires by providing a diverse chemical composition of the deposited metal, reliability and high efficiency are proved in many industrial applications. This article describes examples of using Co-based flux-cored wires in two different welding processes (surfacing using TIG and MIG method). Different slag systems of wires and their properties are presented. Moreover a comparison with other arc surfacing processes is made. On the specific examples the diversity of applications of flux-cored wire based on cobalt is shown. The influence of different parameters on surfacing process is discussed. 11 Ref., 4 Tables, 10 Figures.
Keywords: arc surfacing, metal flux-cored wire, cobalt base, production, alloying, standardization, properties, application
Received:                12.05.15
Published:               28.07.15
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Suggested Citation

R. Rosert (2015) Cobalt-based alloys for surfacing. The Paton Welding J., 06, 101-106.