?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №07
2015 №07 (06) DOI of Article
2015 №07 (08)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #07
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #7, 41-46 pages

Industrial application of hybrid laser-arc welding (Review)

I.V. Krivtsun1,2, V.Yu. Khaskin2, V.N. Korzhik1,2 And Luo Ziyi1

1Guangdong General Research Institute for Industrial Technologies. (Guanzhou Research Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals) Guangzhou, PRC
2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Welding technology improvement is the prerequisite for progress of industrial production. Development of new structures often requires application of high-efficient welding processes, which ensure minimizing the residual deformations. Unfortunately, capabilities of the traditional arc technologies do not always meet such requirements. Laser welding technologies are not always acceptable, either, in view of the high equipment cost and requirements to preparation of items to be welded. Over the recent years hybrid laser-arc welding technologies, combining the advantages of arc and laser processes, have become ever wider accepted. Therefore, this work is a review of modern tendencies in development of hybrid laser-MIG welding of metals and alloys. It is shown that alongside continuation of research, such tendencies include industrial application (for instance, in different sectors of transportation, chemical, power and food industry) oriented towards partial replacement of laser and arc welding technologies. Examples of such applications are given. Development of new technologies of hybrid welding, focused on joining structures differing by their composition and geometry, as well as designing new production equipment for realization of these technologies is noted. Under the conditions of a new stage in laser equipment development, which began in the last decade, and which is associated with a broad industrial introduction of fibre and disc lasers, the issue of selection of laser or hybrid welding has become the subject of scientific-technical and economic analysis. 37 Ref., 5 Figures.
Keywords: hybrid laser-MIG welding, welding heads, process parameters, mode selection, development history, industrial application
Received:                28.01.15
Published:               13.10.15
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Suggested Citation

I.V. Krivtsun, V.Yu. Khaskin, V.N. Korzhik And Luo Ziyi (2015) Industrial application of hybrid laser-arc welding (Review). The Paton Welding J., 07, 41-46.