?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, №11
2015 №11 (07) DOI of Article
2015 №11 (09)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #11, 57-60 pages

Determination of force caused by heating of ring-type products in flash-butt welding

A.V. Moltasov, K.V. Gushchin, I.N. Klochkov, P.N. Tkach And A.I. Tarasenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
In flash-butt welding of products of a closed shape the force, which welding machine should provide for high-quality formation of welded joint in a solid phase, is determined not only by upsetting force but also by force spent for bending the part itself, and by force caused by heating of shunting part. Therefore, when choosing the equipment for welding of any product of closed shape it is necessary to determine the total force, which welding machine should provide. The experimental measurements of temperature in different characteristic points at the final stage of the process of FBW of the ring of steel 20 in machine K-724 were carried out. It was established that the temperature in the shunting part is changed both along the circumferential as well as along the radial coordinate. The existing procedure for description of temperature field was improved so that in determination of the Fourier coefficients not only the experimental data were used, but also the data obtained by computer modeling. Basing on the postulates of the proposed model the function of general form was obtained, which allows determining the temperature at any point of the shunting part using an unlimited number of terms of approximated series. The calculation of power parameters of FBW with pulsed flashing of the investigated ring was carried out. As a result, it was established that the force caused by heating of the shunting part, amounted to 9.1 % of the total force required for quality formation of the joint. The value of temperature force is connected with the value of equivalent temperature displacement. The estimated value of this displacement, corresponding to the proposed model, correlates well with the results of numerical modeling of temperature displacements in the welded billet. 11 Ref., 1Table, 3 Figures.
Keywords: flash-butt welding, ring-type products, shunting currents, temperature field, Fourier series, temperature force
Received:                11.02.15
Published:               21.12.15
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Suggested Citation

A.V. Moltasov, K.V. Gushchin, I.N. Klochkov, P.N. Tkach And A.I. Tarasenko (2015) Determination of force caused by heating of ring-type products in flash-butt welding. The Paton Welding J., 11, 57-60.