2016 №11 (06) DOI of Article
2016 №11 (01)

The Paton Welding Journal 2016 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, #11, 43-46 pages

Device for excitation and stabilization of welding arc

V.V. Burlaka and S.V. Gulakov

State Higher Educational Establishment «Pre-Azov State Technical University» (PSTU) 7 Universitetskaya Str., 87500, Mariupol, Ukraine. Е-mail: offiсе@р
The circuit design of the device for formation of increased voltage was proposed, providing facilitation of ignition and stabilization of welding arc burning at direct/alternating current. The device operates according to the algorithm Lift-Arc and provides ignition of the arc at a minimum required power due to limitation of rate of voltage growth at the arc gap. For safe operation the time limit for action of higher voltage was also introduced. Due to application of the advanced elementary base it was possible to simplify the electric circuit of the device for arc stabilization at maintaining the high consumer properties. 10 Ref., 5 Figures.
Keywords: electric arc, welding, arc ignition, stabilization of arc burning, welding inverter, open-circuit voltage
Received:                05.09.16
Published:               14.12.16
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Suggested Citation

V.V. Burlaka and S.V. Gulakov (2016) Device for excitation and stabilization of welding arc. The Paton Welding J., 11, 43-46.