The Paton Welding Journal, 2020, #4, 36-40 pages
About the oldest technology of brazing on the example of archaeological findings - A golden goblet from Trialeti and a muffle from Kvatskheli
Er. Magradze
National Museum, 3 Furtseladze Str., 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia. E-mail:
Considering the stages of human development from a material and spiritual point of view, a significant achievement
in this field is the discovery and study of metals, as well as the invention of methods for their processing. The result of
activity and constant search in this direction is the creation and development of metallurgy. The masterpieces of jewellery
are presented to us as a continuation of these processes. An integral part of these processes is the accumulation
of knowledge through observation and improvement of the learned rules and techniques. One of the most important of
them is the brazing process as a method of joining finished metal parts that was invented by a human at an early stage
of human development. 8 Ref., 8 Figures.
Keywords: brazing, reaction and substance brazing alloy, metallic gold, brazing of artifacts
Received 28.01.2020
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Suggested Citation
Er. Magradze (2020) About the oldest technology of brazing on the example of archaeological findings - A golden goblet from Trialeti and a muffle from Kvatskheli.
The Paton Welding J., 04, 36-40.