2024 №09 (03) DOI of Article
2024 №09 (05)

The Paton Welding Journal 2024 #09
The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, #9, 29-37 pages

Development and approval of the procedure of high-temperature uniaxial creep strength tests of difficult -to-weld high-temperature nickel alloys specimens with microplasma powder deposition

O.V. Yarovytsyn, M.О. Cherviakov, O.O. Nakonechny, O.O. Fomakin, S.O. Voronin, O.F. Yavdoshchyna

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:

The procedure of high-temperature uniaxial creep testing of welded joints “base-deposited metal” made of difficult-to-weld high-temperature nickel alloys (HTNA) of ZhS32 type, containing more than 60 vol.% of the strengthening γ′-phase, has been developed. It allows using witness specimens to estimate the uniaxial creep strength level at temperatures of 975 and 1000 °C for the conditions of series restoration of edges of the working blades of modern aircraft gas turbine engines with microplasma powder deposition. Its development took into account the need in working with larger sizes and, accordingly, the higher restraint of a welded workpiece for the manufacture of specimens for mechanical tests compared to the typical conditions of series restoration of the blade edge in industry, and also some techniques for hot cracks prevention were proposed. Its feature is the use of “dovetail” type grippers for specimens with a working part of 7.5‒9.0 mm2, which provides a significant reduction in their sizes. The new approach of choosing the shape and dimensions of the specimen for uniaxial creep testing, the technique of preparing and forming the required welded workpieces with microplasma powder deposition allows a significant reduction in heat input and approximation of the deposition modes for witness specimens to the industrial modes of series restoration of edges of working blades of aircraft gas turbine engines. Due to this, in the welded joints “base-deposited metal” of the high-temperature nickel alloys with directional solidification, which represent workpieces for the subsequent production of such witness specimens, it is possible to avoid the known manifestations of the tendency to crack formation during the deposition process and postweld heat treatment. The developed procedure was approved to evaluate the uniaxial creep strength of ZhS32 deposited metal specimens and specimens “50 % of base (ZhS26-VI or Zh32-VI) + 50 % of deposited (ZhS32) metal” at 975 °C and 1000 °C on 40 h base holding and comparison of the relevant experimental data with the technical condition requirements for these cast nickel-based superalloys was carried out.
Keywords: microplasma powder deposition, welded joint “base-deposited metal”, difficult-to-weld high-temperature nickel alloys, uniaxial creep testing

Received: 04.04.2024
Received in revised form: 18.05.2024
Accepted: 02.10.2024


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Suggested Citation

O.V. Yarovytsyn, M.О. Cherviakov, O.O. Nakonechny, O.O. Fomakin, S.O. Voronin, O.F. Yavdoshchyna (2024) Development and approval of the procedure of high-temperature uniaxial creep strength tests of difficult -to-weld high-temperature nickel alloys specimens with microplasma powder deposition. The Paton Welding J., 09, 29-37.