?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, №11
2024 №11 (05) DOI of Article
2024 №11 (02)

The Paton Welding Journal 2024 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, #11, 3-13 pages

Mechanical and thermal behavior of additively manufactured Invar 36 using a laser hot wire hybrid DED process

Bharat Yelamanchi1, Andrew Prokop1, Coleman Buchanan1, Aayush Alok1, Mario Rodriguez2, Jimena Morales2, Holly Martin1, Brian Vuksanovich1, Virgil Solomon1, Eric MacDonald2, Yousub Lee3, Thomas Feldhausen2,4, Pedro Cortes2

1Youngstown State University, OH USA 44555. E-mail: byelamanchi@ysu.edu
2College of Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso, TX USA 79968
3Computational Sciences & Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA
4Manufacturing Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA

Invar 36 alloy is a material of high interest in the composite tooling sector due to its low coefficient of thermal expansion. Current production of Invar 36 tooling using traditional manufacturing such as casting and forging is associated with long lead times due to a multitude of factors such as labor and component shortages, high material costs, foreign competition, and supply chain issues. An attractive alternate process is the use of an integrated 5-axis CNC hybrid Laser Hot Wire Deposition System (LHWD) for manufacturing invar molds. The hybrid process provides a combination of the additive and subtractive technologies resulting in a synergistic platform for producing and repairing structures and molds. The main novelty and goal of this work is to study the properties of Invar deposited by a LHWD and to provide guidelines for the manufacture of parts using this process. In this study, the thermal expansion behavior of the manufactured specimens has been analyzed and related to its printing parameters and direction. Multiple specimens were extracted for mechanical, dilatometry and metallographic testing. A thermal IR recording of the printing process was also carried out to observe the thermal history of the produced parts to establish thermal influence on performance-property-processing relationship. The results of these tests show the advantage of LHWD technology for the manufacture of Invar alloy parts, as it presents similar thermal expansion behavior as those commercially available with minimal presence of precipitates and no macrostructural failures such as pores, cracks and lacks of fusion.
Keywords: hybrid directed energy deposition, Invar, hybrid manufacturing, additive manufacturing, subtractive manufacturing, wire and laser additive manufacturing (WLAM), directed energy deposition (DED), laser hot-wire deposition (LHWD)

Received: 15.08.2024
Received in revised form: 04.10.2024
Accepted: 20.11.2024


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Suggested Citation

Bharat Yelamanchi, Andrew Prokop, Coleman Buchanan, Aayush Alok, Mario Rodriguez, Jimena Morales, Holly Martin, Brian Vuksanovich, Virgil Solomon, Eric MacDonald, Yousub Lee, Thomas Feldhausen, Pedro Cortes (2024) Mechanical and thermal behavior of additively manufactured Invar 36 using a laser hot wire hybrid DED process. The Paton Welding J., 11, 3-13.