2019 №11 (05) DOI of Article
2019 №11 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal 2019 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2019, #11, 33-37 pages
Journal The Paton Welding Journal
Publisher International Association «Welding»
ISSN 0957-798X (print)
Issue #11, 2019 (November)
Pages 33-37

Modeling the technology of deposition of a layer of variable chemical composition

V.P. Ivanov, L.K. Leshchynskyi and S.V. Shcherbakov

SHEI «Pryazovskyi State Technical University» of MES of Ukraine 7 Universytetska Str., 87500, Mariupol, Ukraine. E-mail:

It is shown that the nature of the change of chemical composition of the weld (deposited metal) is determined by the law of control of volume feed rate of the alloying electrode, which was derived by mathematical modeling of the effect of surfacing technology on the process of weld pool alloying. It is found that the high gradient of charge of chemical composition along the weld length is ensured by a discrete change of the volume feed rate of the alloying electrode. At a rectangular waveform of the electrode feed pulse, the alloying element distribution in the weld metal is asymmetrical at the stage of increase and decrease of the concentration that is manifested to a greater extent with increase of weld pool volume. Experimentally confirmed calculation results are presented, which show that the trapezoidal shape of the pulse allows reducing the asymmetrical nature of change of the composition. It is found that the nature and gradient of alloying element distribution in the weld can be changed at pulsed feed of the alloying electrode by a sinusoidal law. Conditions of forming a deposited layer of variable composition and hardness along the length of the barrel of a roll of continuous billet mill were determined. 12 Ref., 1 Table, 7 Figures.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, weld pool, deposited metal, variable chemical composition, alloying electrode, feed pulse shape, forming roll, variable hardness along the barrel length
Received: 11.07.19
Published: 21.12.19


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Suggested Citation

V.P. Ivanov, L.K. Leshchynskyi and S.V. Shcherbakov (2019) Modeling the technology of deposition of a layer of variable chemical composition. The Paton Welding J., 11, 33-37.