2010 №03 (01) 2010 №03 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal 2010 #03
TPWJ, 2010, #3, 10-13 pages

Journal                    The Paton Welding Journal
Publisher                 International Association «Welding»
ISSN                       0957-798X (print)
Issue                       № 3, 2010 (March)
Pages                      10-13

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
It is shown that treatment of thin-sheet welded joints by electric current pulses is an efficient method for regulation of residual deformations of welded structures. With electric pulse treatment of butt welded joints on steel 30KhGSA and aluminium alloy AMg6, the values of sags of plates are decreased from 3 to 9 times. An advantage of this treatment consists in mobility of the equipment used, thus allowing its application for straightening of separate elements of large-sized thin-sheet welded structures, including those in service.
Keywords: arc welding, high-strength steel, aluminium alloy, welded structures, butt joints, straightening of welded joints, residual change in shape, sagging, preliminary tension, forming, pressing, electroplastic effect, current pulse treatment, plastic deformation
Received:                ??.??.??
Published:               28.03.10
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