2015 №06 (02) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (04)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 14-21 pages  

Energy approach in analysis of microplasma powder surfacing modes

A.V. Yarovitsyn

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
A new procedure for analysis of microplasma powder surfacing modes was proposed on the basis of evaluation of the value of definite integral of welding current magnitude during the time of arc running on the item. It is realized by digital processing of signals from current and voltage sensors with galvanic decoupling from the welding circuit, registered using the analog-digital converter. Its algorithm allows evaluation of the amount of heat applied to the anode for different models of specialized surfacing equipment under the conditions of variation of welding current and of a number of stationary technological parameters, and correlating this value with micro- or macrocracking susceptibility of items from high-temperature nickel alloys in fusion welding. It is established that at limited welding current overall heat input of micropalsma arc into the anode is proportional to weld pool volume and surfacing efficiency. In the case of multilayer surfacing of airfoil edge of GTE blade from JS32 and JS26 alloys it is shown that optimization of the total amount of heat energy allows prevention of microcracking in such a welded joint. 24 Ref., 8 Figures.
Keywords: data acquisition systems, microplasma powder surfacing, high-temperature nickel alloys, amount of heat applied to the anode, susceptibility to microcracking in fusion welding
Received:               15.04.15
Published:               28.07.15
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Suggested Citation

A.V. Yarovitsyn (2015) Energy approach in analysis of microplasma powder surfacing modes. The Paton Welding J., 06, 14-21.