2017 №04 (08) DOI of Article
2017 №04 (10)

The Paton Welding Journal 2017 #04
The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, #4, 44-48 pages

Development of electric arc spray coatings for reconditioning rods of hydraulic cylinders of mining equipment, using flux-cored wires

T.R. Stupnitsky, M.M. Student, V.I. Pokhmursky and M.B. Tymus

G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute, NASU 5 Nauchnaya Str., 79060, Lvov, Ukraine. E-mail:
The paper outlines the main requirements to flux-cored wires based on ferroalloys of Fe–Cr–C and Fe–Cr–B systems with more than 12 wt.% chromium for electric arc spraying of wear- and corrosion-resistant coatings. It is found that, unlike steel, presence of 12 wt.% chromium in flux-cored wire charge does not ensure corrosion resistance of coatings in neutral water solutions. The causes for that were studied. It is experimentally established that corrosion resistance of coatings containing more than 12 wt.% chromium is inversely proportional to their chemical microheterogeneity. High effectiveness of application of coating impregnation with inhibited 3 % solution of Hydroway 1060 to prevent aggressive environment penetration through pores in the coating to the substrate is demonstrated. Synergistic compositions of sodium benzoate + benzyl benzoate inhibitors were developed, which provide up to 99.14 % degree of corrosion protection of the coating steel substrate. 12 Ref., 1 Table, 8 Figures.
Keywords: arc spray coatings, flux-cored wires, ferroalloys, chemical heterogeneity, corrosion resistance, oxide, carbide, boride, inhibitor
Received:                20.03.17
Published:               17.04.17
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Suggested Citation

T.R. Stupnitsky, M.M. Student, V.I. Pokhmursky and M.B. Tymus (2017) Development of electric arc spray coatings for reconditioning rods of hydraulic cylinders of mining equipment, using flux-cored wires. The Paton Welding J., 04, 44-48.