?> The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, №11
2021 №11 (04) DOI of Article
2021 №11 (06)

The Paton Welding Journal 2021 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2021, #11, 29-33 pages

Investigation of the causes for appearance of defects in welded butt joints of tram rails made by thermit welding

E. Turyk1, I.O. Ryabtsev2, M. Lomozik1, K. Krasnovskyi1

1Lucasiewicz Research Network-Institute of Welding 44-100, Gliwicc, 16-18 Bl. Czeslava, Poland. E-mail: is@is.gliwice.pl
2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: ryabtsev39@gmail.com

The results of investigations of the causes for fatigue fracture of rail butt joints on two new tram tracks, made by thermit welding by two organizations are presented. Control analysis of the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the rail material; analysis of the chemical composition of the welds, macro- and microscopic investigations of the weld, HAZ and base metal, and hardness studies in these zones were performed. It was found that pore accumulation and isolated microcracks in the metal of welds are the potential cause for cracking. Violations of the technological process of thermit welding of the tram tracks were determined, which lead to appearance of these defects. The detected defects are the result of the following factors, associated with failure to meet the standard requirements on thermit welding of tram tracks and of the system of ensuring the quality of welding operations, namely violation of welding technology and insufficient control at the respective stages of the production process.
Keywords: thermit welding, tram tracks, fatigue cracks, porosity; microcracks, quality assurance system

Received 16.09.2021
Accepted: 29.11.2021


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Suggested Citation

E. Turyk, I.O. Ryabtsev, M. Lomozik, K. Krasnovskyi (2021) Investigation of the causes for appearance of defects in welded butt joints of tram rails made by thermit welding. The Paton Welding J., 11, 29-33.