2017 №03 (03) DOI of Article
2017 №03 (05)

Automatic Welding 2017 #03
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #3, 2017, pp. 31-39

Vacuum diffusion welding of foil from powder nickel-chromium alloy

I.A. Gusarova1, A.M. Potapov1, T.A. Manko1, Yu.V. Falchenko2, A.I. Ustinov2, L.V. Petrushinets2 and T.V. Melnichenko2

1DB «M.K. Yangel Yuzhnoye» 3 Krivorozhskaya Str., 49008, Dnepr, Ukraine. E-mail: info@yuzhnoye.com
2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The paper deals with the influence of diffusion welding parameters on formation of joints from foil of Ni–20Cr powder alloy 25 mm thick. It is shown that welding of nichrome alloy in the temperature range of 800–1200 °C without application of interlayers does not allow producing defectfree joints. Features of formation of Ni–Cr alloy joints at application of interlayers from foils, produced by the technology of electron beam deposition and condensation in vacuum were studied. Foil with multilayer structure of Ni–Al, Ti–Cu systems and foil with porous structure from Cu, Ni and Cr was used in the work. Microstructure and chemical composition of the joints were studied, using optical and electron microscopy. Strength properties of metal in the joint zone were assessed by the results of microindentation and tensile testing of flat samples. It is found that application of such interlayers in welding allows producing defectfree microstructure of the joint zone. It is shown that joints with strength properties on the level of those of base metal are formed in welding through an interlayer from copper-based porous foils. 18 Ref., 2 Tables, 9 Figures.
Keywords: vacuum diffusion welding, Ni–Cr powder alloy, porous foils, multilayer foils, microstructure, microindenting
Received: 02.02.17
Published: 19.04.16
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