2017 №07 (03) DOI of Article
2017 №07 (05)

Automatic Welding 2017 #07
Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), #7, 2017, pp. 24-28

Investigation of microplastic deformation of metal deposited by electric resistance method

E.V. Berezhnaya1, V.D. Kuznetsov1, V.D. Kassov2 and P.A. Gavrish2

1NTTU Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 37 Pobedy Ave., 03056, Kiev, Ukaine. Е-mail: elena.kassova07@gmail.com
2Donbass State Machine-Building Academy 72 Akademicheskaya Str., 84313, Donetsk region, Kramatorsk, Ukraine
The search for optimization of structure and properties of the deposited metal of parts is an urgent task, the solution of which allows increasing their service properties and extending the service life. The data of investigations in this direction using the electric resistance surfacing are very limited. It was found in the work that the tendency of the deposited surface layer of a part (deposited metal and HAZ) to microplastic deformation is an important factor in determination of metal sensitivity to stress concentration. A structure of the deposited metal was obtained, which is characterized by a low sensitivity to stress concentration. It was shown that increase in the content of cementite in the structure of deposited layer leads to growth in tendency of accumulating dislocations during microdeformations, and the presence of a large volume of free ferrite allows decreasing the intensity of accumulating dislocations, reducing sensitivity of the deposited metal to stress concentration. 11 Ref., 2 Tables, 5 Figures.
Keywords: electric resistance surfacing, surface layer structure, microdeformation, stress concentration
Received:                13.09.17
Published:               01.09.17
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