2020 №10 (03) DOI of Article
2020 №10 (05)

Automatic Welding 2020 #10
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #10, 2020, pp. 21-25

Development of technologies and materials for electric spark coating with the aim of increasing service life and reliability of parts of technological and power equipment and tools

M.S. Storozhenko, O.P. Umansky, V.E. Sheludko, Yu.V. Gubin, T.V. Kurinna

Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine 3, Krzhyzhanovsky Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine Е-mail: storozhenkomary@ukr.net

It was established that the technology of electrospark alloying is a promising method of strengthening and restoration of parts and such technological and power equipment as shafts of pumps and electric motors, impellers, pump housings, centrifuges, etc. To increase the efficiency of the proposed technology, a number of electrode materials like FeNiSi – Cr3C5, WC – TiC – Mo2C – Co – Cr and WC – TiC – Co – Cr – Ni – Al, TiC– (Fe – Cr – Si – Al), NiCrBCuC – WC, FeNiCrBSiC – TiB2 and FeNiCrBSiC – CrB2 were created, which were tested at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. It was revealed that application of the developed electrodes provides a simultaneous increase in the manufacturability of the process of electrospark alloying with an increase in the life of parts of technological equipment by 2.0…2.5 times. 10 Ref., 4 Fig.
Keywords: electrospark hardening, coating, wear resistance, self-flux alloy, titanium diboride

Received: 28.09.2020


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