2022 №03 (03) DOI of Article
2022 №03 (05)

Automatic Welding 2022 #03
"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #1, 2022, pp. 34-37

Experimental studies of bifilar electroslag welding with an equalizing wire

Yu.M. Lankin, O.P. Bondarenko, V.G. Tyukalov, V.G. Solovjov, I.Yu. Romanova

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

At bifilar electroslag welding, compared to the traditional two-electrode circuit, the path of current flowing in the slag pool is significantly different, and, consequently, the position of heat evolution zones and electromechanical forces acting on the molten slag, change drastically. Experiments showed that at bifilar electroslag welding penetration of the edges of welded item metal is considerably smaller, and reduction of the welding gap becomes possible that allows raising the welding speed at the same power, and power factor cos φ increases essentially from 0.67 to 0.9. Connection of equalizing wire between the midpoint of the output winding of the power transformer and the item being welded ensures stability of the electroslag welding process by the bifilar circuit of power source connection. 7 Ref., 1 Tabl., 5 Fig.
Ключові слова: electroslag welding, bifilar power circuit, edge penetration, process stability, power factor

Received: 10.12.2021


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