Electrometallurgy Today 2006 #04

Lakomsky V.V., Pomarin Yu.M., Ryabtsev A.D. and Grigorenko G.M. Metal nitriding from gas phase in ESR 2
Feasibility of metal nitriding in electroslag remelting directly from gas phase is considered. The earlier assumption about nitriding process dependence upon degree of oxidizing of slag and gas phases is confirmed. It is shown that nitriding from gas phase is possible, provided the slag is deoxidized by metal calcium and aluminium.
Trigub N.P., Akhonin S.V., Zhuk G.V., Telin V.V. and Davydov S.V. Electron beam melting of uncrushed spongy titanium blocks 5
Technology of electron beam melting of uncrushed spongy titanium blocks is considered. Distribution of impurity elements over volume of spongy titanium blocks, produced at Zaporozhie Titanium-Magnesium Works, is investigated. High level of quality of ingots-slabs and technical-economic efficiency of developed technology has been achieved.
Nerodenko L.M., Onoprienko E.V. and Movchan B.A. Structure and mechanical properties of dispersion-strengthened titanium-base materials deposited from gas phase 8
Structure and mechanical properties (tensile strength, relative elongation, high-temperature creep rate) of deposited from gas phase materials Ti-Si (2-18 % Si) were investigated. It is shown that condensates, strengthened by intermetallic phases, have good prospects for development of titanium-base refractory materials.
Nakonechny N.F., Fyodorov V.N. and Shchekin-Krotov V.A. Investigation of heat exchange processes in mould of electron beam installation 12
It is shown that application of copper moulds in EBCHM of titanium alloys is not efficient. Replacement of copper by alloys, which ensure BiГ 1 allows increasing efficiency factor of remelting from 20 to 35 % and producing ingots with smooth defect-free surface.
Koleda V.N., Shapovalov V.A., Torkhov G.F. and Aksinichenko A.V. Application of plasma-arc remelting of technogenic waste in movable horizontal mould for producing quality ferroalloys and master alloys 17
Expediency of using plasma-arc remelting of technogenic waste in movable mould for producing high-quality ferroalloys and master alloys is shown. Conditions of achieving plasma arc stability and high quality of ingot are considered. Chemical compositions of produced ferroalloys and master alloys and values of specific consumption of electric power and argon in their melting are given.
Shapovalov V.A., Vislobokov O.M., Melnik G.A. and Tsykulenko K.A. Geometric shape and erosion resistance of copper water-cooled anode of arc heat source 21
Experimental investigations of three copper water-cooled anodes with different geometric shapes of tips under similar conditions of their operation in argon were carried out. Optimum shape of the tip for the purpose of minimizing erosion of electrode was experimentally determined.
Malashenko I.S., Kurenkova V.V., Belyavin A.F. and Trokhimchenko V.V. Short-term strength and microstructure of brazed joints of alloy VJL12U produced using boron-containing brazing alloy with addition of silicon 23
Interrelation of a seam metal microstructure and physical-mechanical properties of brazed joints of alloy VJL12U, produced with application of complex boron-containing brazing alloys, into which 15-25 % of commercial brazing alloy NS12 (Ni-12 wt.% Si) were additionally introduced in the form of additive material, is considered. Presence in the complex brazing alloy of 2.5-3.0 % Si enables reduction of heterogeneity of a brazed seam metal and changes morphology and size of precipitated carboboride phase. Strength of such brazed joints at temperature 20 °C achieves 80-95 % of strength of the base alloy, and their relative elongation equals 5-7 %.
Sidorov V.A. and Sotnikov A.L. Determination of swinging radius of the MCCB mould 39
Oscillating movement of a MCCB mould, directed along its technological axis, is ensured due to respective design of the swinging mechanism. Owing to natural processes, constant change of technical state of the swinging mechanism occurs, that effects parameters and direction of the MCCB mould movement. It is suggested for radial MCCB to check of the mould coaxiality with technological axis of the machine with the help of a swinging radius.
Borisov Yu.S., Borisova A.L., Karpets M.V., Lotsko D.V. , Milman Yu.V., Adeeva L.I., Gordan G.N. and Doroshenko L.K. Investigation of phase transformations in powders of multi-component AlCuFe-base alloy with quasi-crystalline structure 43
Phase transformations in Al63Cu25Fe12-base alloys, alloyed by a complex of elements (titanium, chromium, silicon) at the ratios AlCuFe:TiCrSi = 95:5 85:15 and 75:25, were studied using methods of high-temperature radiography and differential thermal analysis. In system with 5 % TiCrSi formation of quasi-crystalline y-phase was established, while in systems with 15 and 25 % TiCrSi formation of a new a-phase was registered, characterized by high hardness (about 8800 MPa), which may be interpreted as 1/1 approximant of non-equilibrium quasi-crystalline phase. At heating up to 980 and 990 °C single-phase a-state was registered in two latter systems.
Kostyakov V.N., Poletaev E.B., Grigorenko G.M. and Medved S.N. Behavior of vanadium in liquid-phase melting of vanadium-containing concentrate 49
Production of ferrovanadium from vanadium concentrate in the direct-current arc furnace was investigated. It is shown that molten metal represents alloy with content of vanadium from 17.7 to 23.46 %, produced at the ratio of cast iron and vanadium concentrate in the charge 1:1. Reduction of cast iron in the charge down to 25 % ensures increase of weight share of vanadium in the alloy up to 43-45 %. Developed at PWI 4, 11, 42, 51

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