2017 №02 (01) DOI of Article
2017 №02 (03)

Electrometallurgy Today 2017 #02
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2017, #2, 11-16 pages

Structure and properties of new high-strength titanium alloy T120, produced by the method of EBM after deformational and heat treatment

S.V. Akhonin1, V.Yu. Belous1, A.Yu. Severin1, V.A. Berezos1, A.N. Pikulin1, A.G. Erokhin2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2SE «RPC «Titan» of the E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine». 26, Raketnaya str., Kiev, 03028. E-mail: titan.paton@gmail.com

Technological conditions of thermodeformational treatment of ingots of electron beam melting of the new alloy T120 were determined. The works were carried out for producing experimental series of deformed billets of 150 mm diameter ingots of the new high-strength alloy. After deformational treatment the microstructure of T120 alloy was examined. It was determined that the structure of titanium alloy T120, produced by the EBM, consists of equiaxial polyhedral primary β-grains after rolling, and the intergranular structure is presented by α and β-phases, moreover, the α-phase has a laminar morphology. It was found that during deformational treatment an oxide and near-surface alphized layer of up to 0.5 mm thickness under it are formed on the surface of sheets. The effect of heat treatment of deformed semiproducts on structure and properties of metal was investigated and conditions, which provide optimum combination of strength and ductility for alloy T120 were established. To attain the maximum ductility, it is rational to subject the T120 alloy billets to annealing at 900 °C, as a result of which the intergranular (α + β)-structure with thickness of α-lamella of 1.0…1.5 μm is formed. In this case the value of impact strength is KCV = 12…14 J/cm2 at elongation δs = 12 %.
Ref. 9, Tables 2, Figures 5.
Keywords: electron beam melting; titanium alloy; deformational treatment; heat treatment; structure; properties


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