2018 №01 (01) DOI of Article
2018 №01 (03)

Electrometallurgy Today 2018 #01
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2018, #1, 9-16 pages

Producing of high-strength titanium alloy Ti-1.5Al-6.8Mo-4.5Fe by EBM method

S.V. Akhonin1, P.E. Markovskii2, V.A. Berezos1, A.A. Stasyuk2, A.N. Pikulin1, A.Yu. Severin1, S. L. Antonyuk3

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2G.V. Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine. 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., 03142, Kyiv. E-mail: metal@imp.kiev.ua
3GP ANTONOV. 1 Tupolev str. 03062, Kyiv. E-mail: info@antonov.com

The possibilities of melting Ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe alloy with subsequent hot deformational treatment by methods of pressing and rolling were studied. The microstructure and the level of mechanical properties of the obtained Ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe titanium alloy samples of 110 mm diameter were studied. Analysis of results of the chemical composition of ingot metal showed that the distribution of alloying elements in length is uniform and corresponds to the specified composition. The plastic deformation of the produced Ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe alloy made it possible to form a dispersed homogeneous intragranular ? + ?-microstructure in the material. It was shown that the alloy Ti–1.5Al–6.8Mo–4.5Fe, produced by electron beam melting and hot rolling methods, after annealing both at temperatures of two-phase ? + ? region and single-phase ?-region is characterized by a high complex of mechanical properties, when the strength at the level above 1100 MPa is combined with sufficient plastic characteristics inherent in more alloyed and expensive titanium alloys. Ref. 11, Tab. 2, Fig. 10.

Key words: titanium; high-strength alloy; electron-beam melting; pressing; rolling; microstructure; mechanical properties
Received:                15.12.17
Published:               20.03.18
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