2018 №03 (07) DOI of Article
2018 №03 (01)

Electrometallurgy Today 2018 #03
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2018, #3, 52-57 pages

Microstructure and properties of multilayer materials on Ti–6Al–4V alloy base,

O.M. Ivasishin1, P.E. Markovsky1, D.G. Savvakin1, V.I. Bondarchuk1, A.A. Stasyuk1, S.V. Prikhodko2

1G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine. 36 Academician Vernadsky Blvd., 03142, Kyiv. E-mail: ivas@imp.kiev.ua
2Engineering-Materials Science Faculty, Californian University 90095, Los-Angeles, USA. E-mail: prikhodko.sergey@gmail.com

The 2–3-layer structures, consisting of Ti–6Al–4V alloy and composites on its base with 5...10 % particles of ТiВ or ТiС, were produced by the method of cold pressing and vacuum sintering of multi-component powder mixtures on the base of hydrogenized titanium powder. Laws of evolution of microstructure, porosity and shrinkage in sintering of layers of powder mixtures of different composition were studied. It was found that adding of hardening particles of titanium carbide and titanium boride into powder mixtures has an effect on their shrinkage, that causes the risk of fracture of multilayer structures due to difference in shrinkage of adjacent layers of different composition. By optimizing the parameters of powder technology, the laminar materials were produced with a preset microstructure, providing the desired complex of mechanical and service characteristics. 4 Ref., 2 Tabl., 6 Fig.
Key words: multilayer structures; powder mixture; composite; sintering; microstructure
Received:                12.07.18
Published:               01.10.18
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