"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2020, #3, 11-17 pages
Investigation of manufacturability and effectiveness of the new slag for electrosdlag remelting
G.P. Stovpchenko2, S.V. Davidchenko3, L.O. Lisova1, Ya.V. Gusev1, L.B. Medovar1
1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2Engineering Company «ELMET-ROLL». P.o. 259, 03150, Kyiv. E-mail: office@elmet-roll.com.ua
3PJSC A.M.Kuzmin «Electrometallurgical Plant «Dniprospetsstal».
81 Pivdenne Highway, 69008, Zaporizhzhya. E-mail: info@dss.com.ua
Pilot trials testified that by the main characteristics of chemical composition, micro- and macrostructure, and
mechanical properties of the manufactured bars, the metal of ingots from 15Х11МФ (15Cr11MoV) steel, melted under
the developed slag ANF-39 (32CaF2/31Al2O3/30CaO/4MgO/3SiO2), is highly competitive with the products, remelted
using slag ANF-6 (70CaF2/30Al2O3), which is applied in batch production by the current technology. Compared to slag
ANF-39, application of slag ANF-6 allowed reducing oxide inclusion content by 0.5 points and power consumption at
electroslag remelting by 17 %; the slag is more eco-friendly due to lowering calcium fluoride content more than 2 times;
the cost of materials for slag production was reduced by 23…25 %. Slag ANF-39 is recommended for replacement of
ANF-6 for ESR of alloyed and high-alloyed steels in stationary and short-collar molds. Ref. 8, Tabl. 5, Fig. 4.
Keywords: new slag; electroslag remelting; energy effectiveness; high-alloyed steel; macro- ad microstructure;
nonmetallic inclusions
Received 03.08.2020
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