2021 №01 (01) DOI of Article
2021 №01 (03)

Electrometallurgy Today 2021 #01
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2021, #1, 17-26 pages

Structural transformations at cooling sparsely-alloyed pseudo-β-titanium alloy Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe

S.V. Akhonin, V.Yu. Bilous, R.V. Selin, V.A. Kostin

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling of thermal cycle of welding sparsely-alloyed titanium alloy Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe and experimental studies of its impact on the alloy structural transformations. Thermodynamic characteristics of Ti–2.8Al–5.1Mo–4.9Fe alloy at different temperatures were determined and the diagram of anisothermal transformation at is cooling was plotted, indicating the lines of the start (875 °C) and end (600...660 °C) of β→(α+β) phase transformation. The diagram was complimented by the dependence of β-phase fraction on maximum rates of metal cooling and it was established that the structure of the weld and HAZ metal consists of β-phase grains, in which α-phase precipitates are present. Here, the smallest quantity of β-phase was found in the base metal on the level of 49 %, and the largest — in the weld middle on the level of 87 %. Ref. 24, Tabl. 2, Fig. 13.
Keywords: sparsely-alloyed pseudo-β-titanium alloys; diagram; anisothermal transformations; structure; properties; cooling rate

Received 20.01.2021


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