2022 №04 (04) DOI of Article
2022 №04 (06)

Electrometallurgy Today 2022 #04
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #4, 27-33 pages

Investigation of energy balance in the system of the crystal‒high-frequency heating module at plasma-induction growing of refractory metal single-crystals

V.O. Shapovalov, Yu.O. Nykytenko, O.M. Gnizdylo, V.R. Burnashev, O.V. Karuskevych, T.I. Dubova, V.V. Yakusha

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

Considered is the issue of optimization of the design of the induction heating module at development of the equipment and technology for plasma-induction growing of superlarge refractory tungsten single-crystals in the form of bodies of revolution. The influence of induction module geometry on energy characteristics of the system of multisection inductor–single crystal was studied and the most rational design of the high-frequency heater was developed. The nature of distribution of the specific density of thermal energy over the surface of the crystal that is heated in the high-frequency field of the inductor of a particular geometry, ensures formation of the specified temperature field and a certain level of temperature gradients in the volume. An experimental procedure for determination of heat-loaded components of the equipment using a metal water-cooled simulator was applied as the main research tool. It is shown that the average electric efficiency of the induction module for the first variant of module design is equal to 40, for the second to 36, and for the third to 32 %. It was established that the first variant is characterized by a more uniform heating along the ingot height with specific power of 51, 53 and 54 W/cm2 for the first, second and third sections of the module, respectively. The electric efficiency of the system, established in keeping with the applied procedure, essentially simplifies the process of complex calculations of inter-related problems of the electromagnetic field and non-stationary heat conductivity and it can be used as initial data for analysis of the efficiency and rational design of the high-frequency heating module. Ref. 14, Tabl. 3, Fig. 3.
Keywords: tungsten single-crystal; plasma-induction method; induction heating module; inductor; calorimetry

Received 21.07.2022


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