2022 №04 (05) DOI of Article
2022 №04 (07)

Electrometallurgy Today 2022 #04
"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #4, 34-42 pages

Plasmo-chemical process of obtaining nanosilicon for lithium-ion batteries

S.V. Petrov1, S.G. Bondarenko2, Sato Koichi33

1The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 39, Degtyarivska str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03113. E-mail: svp_plazer@i.ua
2National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». 37, Pobedy ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03056. E-mail: s_g_bondarenko@ukr.net
3Kankyo Techno Co. LTD Japan. 959-2633 Niigata pref. Tainai city Sekizawa 69-5. E-mail: bz659804@bz04.plala.or.jp

The process of complete plasma evaporation of the initial solid material for the synthesis of Si — nanoparticles as applied to lithium-ion batteries and energy storage devices was studied in this work. The use of numerical modeling methods made it possible to determine the fl ow parameters of a two-phase high-temperature fl ow - temperature fi elds, velocities and concentrations. To study the processes of evaporation and subsequent synthesis of nanopowders, a plasma reactor with an electric arc plasmatron with a linear circuit and using an argon-hydrogen mixture as a plasma-forming gas was developed. The infl uence of the external magnetic fi eld on control of the plasma jet parameters was studied in a series of experiments using an electric arc plasmatron in plasma laboratory installations of 30 and 150 kW power. The infl uence of the magnetic fi eld on the confi guration, geometric dimensions and structure of the initial section of the plasma jet was determined. The initial dispersed material — silicon powder was fed to the section of the plasmatron nozzle in a radial pattern. Experimental confi rmation of the phenomenon of elongation of the high-temperature initial section of the plasma jet in an axial magnetic fi eld was obtained. It was experimentally established that the creation of a peripheral gas curtain signifi cantly improves the characteristics of heat and mass transfer in the reactor. The infl uence of two-phase fl ow, heat exchange and mass fl ow of nanoparticles, including on the surface of a plasma reactor with a limited jet fl ow, in the processes of obtaining silicon nanopowders was studied. The obtained regularities can be used to develop and put into operation a pilot plant for high-performance production of nanosilicon powders. Ref. 12, Fig. 10.
Keywords: plasma-chemical synthesis; arc reactor; plasma jet; nanosilicon; lithium-ion battery; numerical modeling

Received 11.07.2022


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